Wednesday, December 05, 2007
It's a Festivus Miracle!

Alright, I'm (mostly) kidding. I'm as excited to see Crosby and Malkin as the next guy. But I am more excited to see San Fernando take the ice at Rexall tonight, even though it will probably make me choke up (Pisani doesn't like cry-babies). I'm also excited to see Le GG lumbering around the ice for five minutes. I'm even kind of hoping he beats up The L Column right in front of the Oilers bench, and then points at MacT and mouths the words "I'm Le Best" to him. That would make me smile. Also making me smile? An Oilers victory, which would keep us three points ahead of the Flames, move us in front of the Ducks (who will help us by losing to the Sabres tonight), and put us even closer to the final playoff spot (and 1st in the Northwest).
Other Notes
Oilers fans living in Calgary should know that The Loil will be gathering at Flames Central tonight to watch the game. All are welcome.
Apparently there are "blogspots" dedicated to Sidney Crosby. 95-year old men not yet acquainted with the internet writing for Canadian Press, too.
Anyone unconvinced that Alberta truly is the land of milk and honey should read this article on a proposed health club for Calgary. Any time you refer to something as a "Dubai type of project," you know you have way more money than is necessary. I just like the fact that Dolemo Developments made this announcement right at the beginning of December. What better time than a freezing day a few weeks before Christmas to announce that you're going to build a private club with a car wash inside of it? Jesus would be so proud. Oh, and note the price tag on that facility with the restaurants, hotel and hockey arena inside of it. $1 billion.
I've lately become obsessed with the game-by-game player logs at Behind The Net. The logs show a player's most common opponents and linemates per game, quality of opponents and linemates, as well as on/off-ice team stats for each game. Here's a small sampling: Shawn Horcoff, Dustin Penner, Sam Gagner, Andrew Cogliano, Tom Gilbert, and Zach Stortini.
I've also been staring at the salary and cap overview for the Oilers at NHL Numbers. Counting 15 players (Penner, Hemsky, Horcoff, Pisani, Torres, Moreau, Gagner, Cogliano, Brodziak, Souray, Staios, Greene, Smid, Roloson, Garon), the Oilers have $36.758 of cap space already committed for next season. The RFA's for 08/09 include Stoll, Nilsson, Thoresen, Pitkanen, Grebeshkov and Gilbert. My own view is that signing Gilbert and Pitkanen should be the top priorities. But what will they cost? How much cap space will be left over? And I've said it a million times, but how about that Souray contract? You know who I blame? Daryl Katz. If he hadn't forced the Oilers into a panicked, idiotic PR move by putting forward a reasonable offer for ownership and a commitment to spend to the cap this summer, we wouldn't be stuck with that albatross of a contract (and pylon of a player). But nooo, he had to go and make the EIG try and save face by negotiating with a guy no one else in the league was willing to sign. Good job, Daryl. Glad to see you hate Edmonton.
Other Takes on the Game
Black Dog Hates Skunks
Covered in Oil
Prediction: Instead of Le GG, Gary Roberts actually beats up The L Column. But it doesn't matter. 5-2, Oilers. Pisani (x3), Pitkanen, and Penner (off his ear, then his knee, nothing but net). GOILERS!!!
I basically only get to see games broadcasted on CBC or TSN so I'm pretty pleased to get to see The Pisani in his first game back home. I'm pretty confident MacT will do the right thing and have him in the starting lineup and it will be great to see the ovation he gets. Some decent storylines going into this game but Pisani is the biggest for sure.
Some decent storylines going into this game but Pisani is the biggest for sure.
I forgot to fuel rumours that Roloson is going to be playing tonight so as to showcase him to the Pens for a possible trade. Damn. I'm really failing to live up to my responsibility as irresponsible blogging rumour-monger.
The Pens need a goalie in the worst way. Roloson would be an upgrade for the playoffs for that team and it could be a difference maker for them, Fleury is just so spastic and lets in some of the weakest goals, usually when he slides out to the halfboards to make a save when the puck is going the other way, he looks like my buddy who is horrible at goal and can barely skate yet will strap up after several beers and loads of peer pressure for the outdoor rink. Of course saying all this Fleury will probably steal the show tonight and then go back to sucking in Calgary.
I find that as I get older
[way past my 33rd]
that these so-called blogspots
are starting to grow on me.
I understand they can be eliminated by the careful use of lasers
But who has the money or time?
I forgot to fuel rumours that Roloson is going to be playing tonight so as to showcase him to the Pens for a possible trade.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! We are trading Roli + Stoll for Crosby + Staal!
Remember, you heard it from Andy first.
If only Bob Cole were calling this game for the sheer joy of the Stall vs Stoll shifts....right up there with the Classics like "Spacicek" (a combo of Spacek and Vasicek)... and "Pronger, over to the other guy, back to Pronger"
Could be worse in terms of the cap and albatross contracts - caught the leafs last night - I believe they have 42M plus committed to next year already. Oilers have Souray and Penner. Leafs have Raycroft, McCabe, Kubina, Blake, Bell, Tucker and Gill amongst their iffy contracts, although Gill and Raycroft are both finished after next season.
I'm not comfortable with being mentioned in the same breath as the Leafs on this issue. Or any other issue, for that matter.
It's going to be interesting to hear what the TSN's yaks have to say after spending the previous 2 hours waxing peotic about 87 and his apostles' journey through the mother land only to have 18,000 give a 10 minute standing ovation to the Saint.
Also fun to look forward to - Staal going 0/0/-2/2PIM and being named Monster of the Game.
However, in his post-game interview Pisani will grant McGuire pardon.
The "blogspots" is one thing, but why the hell does the existence of Facebook groups devoted to x or y make it into the meat of any news article?
They've been cited as evidence for the breadth of support for one idea or another in the Journal a ridiculous number of times, considering it probably requires less effort to join a facebook group than slapping a bumper sticker on your car.
How does one get that much free publicity and influence?
Oh the Pierre man love ...who does he love in this game. Who is going to be the monster.
Lets take up a collection and award the Oiler that pops one off Pierre's noggin.
Maybe Zach can give him a face wash after scoring 2.
Go Oil.
Hey, it looks like Niedermayer isn't...dead! Good thing we've already beat them 3 times this year.
Niedermayer is under contract with the Ducks until 2009. If the former returned, he would be paid about $4 million of his $6.75-million salary this season.
That should bump them up to around the $50 million mark. Which means Ketchup won't be coming back unless a trade happens. But why is ESPN saying they need to move salary? Looks to me like they will still be under.
story goes is that it puts them over the limit for next year. supposedly this is a no-no in the cba.
All I gotta say is screw Chuck Norris!!! Pisani was/is/ever will be the one whos tears can cause the great flood for oilers fans!!
36.658 +
.65 Thoreson (can't command more than min qual offer)
1.1 Nillson (counting numbers and age can't command more than min qual offer)
1.1 Greb (counting numbers and age can't command more than min qual offer)
1.8 Gilbert (just off his entry deal, no arbi rights, healthy raise based on role)
3.5 Pitkanen (starting to rack up the counting numbers)
2.4 Stoll (he'd have to be on fire the the last 54 GP to get more than a qual offer. He's already been paid for past performance on the current contract.
47.208 -- even if you want to keep all of them. And perhaps Row-bert and Grebs are the pair to go putting you at $45 M with extra scratch for Pitkanen and Gilbert or Stoll.
Maybe what Bryzgalov was paid factors in and puts them over?
Do you not read the links I provide, McLean? Those numbers are included on the NHL numbers page I linked to.
What are the odds of TSN screwing up Pisani's return by either a) continuing to show a Suns/Raptors game that goes over time, or b) doing some opening bit where Maguire fawns over Crosby or Healy talks about the time he was a back-up goalie for the Rangers?
Read the links, get serious.
Pisani's return, sadly, will barely be mentioned as Maguire goes kookoo bananas over Crosby.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I saw little in the Edmonton dailies about it - all Crosby, all the time.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I saw little in the Edmonton dailies about it - all Crosby, all the time.
Ya, they mentioned Le GG and Sykora, but nothing on Pisani's homecoming. I figure they'll report on it two weeks to three years from now, which is the usual length of time they are behind the blogs. Sorry, the blogspots.
I think on Bell ExpressVu TSN has their alternate channel which they will hopefully use to show the return of the Great Healer.
If I get home and I'm watching the 4th quarter of TeenWolf's Beavers V. Barney I'm gonna lose it.
The Sportsnet guys are at Rexall, and they just did a whole segment on the game tonight. Nada on Pisani. Same goes for Global.
This Gretzky/Crosby connection is just dumb. I don't enjoy Sidney Crosby because he reminds me of old Oilers. I enjoy him because he's a damn good hockey player. The only comparison I'd make is that Crosby whines like a baby like Gretzky did when he was 20.
I'm suprised TSN isn't doing some splitscreen action with half the screen covering the gameplay and the other half being a "Crosby Cam" that watches him non - stop including intermissions with no commercial breaks. Was Pisani mentioned once in the pre - show?
This is getting to be too much. The shot of Gretzky's banner over the shoulder of Crosby? Gag.
There we go. Two sentences from Miller. And Maguire misses the fact that Pisani and Le GG are on the ice for very specific reasons to start the game
Pierre Maguire: Look at this play develop. Sidney Crosby passes to Sidney Crosby in the corner, who outhustles Sidney Crosby for the puck and dishes it over to Sidney Crosby, who then gets two quick shots off on Sidney Crosby. That is why Sidney Crosby is so difficult to stop, Gord Crosby.
Hey, was that Sidney Crosby who just scored for the Oilers?!
When is the last time the Oilers have scored a goal that nice 5 on 5? Good stuff, nice response to the Pens chances.
No TV here...still can't watch. I rely on streams and Infonet streams no longer work for me.
Nilsson scores and I miss it =(. And Roloson a man on fire again.
Any reaction to Pisani so far that I missed?
Any reaction to Pisani so far that I missed?
Not that I saw. Rishaug just did a bit on him, and Miller just said to give him the Masterton right now.
Gord Miller is all for Pisani getting the Masterson Trophy. Roloson might get the Vezina for these first few minutes.
Picked up on Maguire's mic, I just heard in the background, faintly, a full-throated scream from a fan: "YOU SUCK MAGUIRE!!!"
Pisani for the Masterson and then Maguire had some great things to say about him.
Now the interview. Very nice.
"I just want to give a shoutout to my man (and mother to my child) Andy Grabia!"
What gets me about Maguire is that if he could just contain himself and stop being such an over the top assclown he'd be a helluva commentator.
And I got to say I'm very underwhelmed by the reception Pisani has received. I feel kinda ashamed right now.
uni - they just interviewed Fernando - after he parted the Red Sea he mentioned that he got a nice cheer - probably when they announced the starting lineup
I'll take Maguire over Oilers PPV anyday.
He's over the top but at least knows what he's talking about.
Pitkanen gives me a boner. I can admit it. Every time he and Gilbert Gilbert are on the ice I have to push down the tent pole.
Ok, how about that Pitkanen rush - charges in, backhander, picks up his own rebound, Penner coughs it up, Pens attack and Pitkanen breaks it up.
Smid and Pitkanen are playing their best hockey this season, but Tom Gilbert is the de facto number 1.
And oh yeah: Crosby Crosby Crosby something-about-the-1980s-Oilers Crosby Crosby...
Does the NHL not publish shift charts anymore? I wanted to see who Crosby played against most of that period.

Coming up, the TSN panel discusses whether Sidney Crosby is more like Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, or8 pounds, 6 ounces baby Jesus...
Milbury: I like to think of Sidney as an Ice Dancer, dressed in an all-white jumpsuit, and doing an interpretive dance of my life...
Healy: I like to think of Sidney like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk...

Mackenzie: I like to picture Sidney in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party...
Santa, I'd like a shift chart that was at least colour coded for whoevers on the ice together at one time.
Anyone else worried that sometime tomorrow during a conversation at work that you might spontaneously blurt out "Crosby" ?
I like how even when Glenn Healy's right (Oilers = playoff pretenders), he's wrong (Oilers get points for losing.)
I hope he does become GM for the Leafs. He'll be making Mike Milbury look smart in a whole new way.
He's over the top but at least knows what he's talking about.
That's what I'm saying, if only he'd tone it down the man would be just awesome.
As for Pitkanen, boy am I glad I grabbed him when he came off the IR in my pool. I just hope he can keep this up.
Classic tale of 2 cities. Both have struggled mightily over the last decade after winning some championships with some unbelievably stacked teams. Its funny though how the Pens have drafted smart and are lookin lke a risin powerhouse with years of potential. Meanwhile the Oil are pluggin a couple decent rookies and somehow making there fans believe that they are the western conf version of the Pens.
True, Uni.
Meanwhile Crosby makes a typical hockey pass and Maguire attributes to the play of a "special player."
So is Crosby just allowed to book it at the net? Is Stoll just supposed to watch Crosby attack the net? That's a smart play, not a penalty.
Seriously though, does Crosby get this kind of attention on other TSN broadcasts? I never noticed.
It's silly. I bet they don't do this for Thornton or Lecavalier, who are basically at about the same skill level.
I would bet that Smid and Staios have played nearly every shift against Crosby.
That would explain plenty. 77, 25 and 10 should be out there against him all the time.
I wish I had this game taped. I'd go back and track the number of times Maguire says "Crosby." It's gotta be 200 already.
Am I the only one who thinks that even if Maguire does know the game, he's shit at explaining it? He just fellated 48 on PIT for moving back and forth across the net and then 48 completely bails on setting a screen on Roli. Weak.
brutal game 4 the COILERS. roli cant keep this up much longer u can clearly tell that he is weezing.
Did someone hear something?
Oh and hey, Maguire just mentione Colby Armstrong. I'm sure he meant Crosby.
Yeah Ty, I saw that too - look at him screen look at him screen then a little matador.
I don't know Andy, Smid and Staios are doing ok out there against old what's his name.
You know this Crosby thing reminds me of when I was in Edmonton two weeks ago with Andy Grabia - rock star stuff, not a moment of peace.
They are giving Joni and Gilbert Gilbert lots of love.
That was a great shift by Stoll/Torres/Pisani - Crosby's line spent the whole shift in their own zone while they cycled - good work.
Man I want to see this so bad, I don't care if Maguire is busy pleasuring himself to Crosby.
I swear to God, when Horc got beat to the puck in his own end by Staal, I said out loud, "he'll be embarrassed and come back down and score." And then I said out loud, "Hemsky should be pissed about all the love Crosby is getting." And then, wham!!
I don't care if I sound like Maguire... boom! I so called that! That was a MONSTER play by Hemsky and Maguire!!!
Shhh about Pitkanen and Gilbert, Gord. You're supposed to be on our side.
WOW. Just wow. How bout that pass, and I don't think the puck touched the ice before Horc deposited top shelf.
Wow, looking at that replay, and recalling that last goal when he roofed it. Horcoff is looking like that one shot scorer Hemsky needs haha.
The Oilers are transforming into a pretty solid unit, Pisani in the lineup has made a quick obvious distance. The ridiculous goaltending isn't hurting either.
Anyone remember GG's hat trick? That was one of the most rewarding pieces of hockey watching ever...
Anyone remember GG's hat trick? That was one of the most rewarding pieces of hockey watching ever...
Totally remember that game. Lots of smashing himself against the boards that night.
McGuire's going to go on a Crosby-withdrawal episode of madness and tear Michel Therrien's head off. I'm calling it.
First time caller, long time listener.
This is Le best blog spot ever.
Have to say it.
The Crosquins are being denied at the Gateway.
Ice is starting to tilt the other way now.
Shit, I should keep my my mouth shut. Bad play by Gilbert Gilbert.
Spot them the 2 so that Gagner can show Crosby how it's done.
This is how we do it.
P.S. Could Smid back up his in front of the net antics of late?
Wow, what just happened, took the garbage out and all of a sudden it's all tied up. I thought the oilers had this one wrapped up.
I thought the oilers had this one wrapped up.
They did. Two terrible brain farts by Gilbert Gilbert and Roli cost them.
I love how instead of the simple call like: Staios tries to clear the puck off the boards and does, changes in this game to "Crosby there to try and break up the clearing attempt, and it gets out."
Colby Colbies... nah that seems tacky. It's toby peterson... now we need Colby to fight someone.
"That all happened because Crosby didn't quit on the play".
If I were Sid, I would have my lawyers draw up a restraining order against Pierre MacGuire almost immediately.
Disgusting commentary.
I wouldn't have known that Sidney Crosby was this good at hockey had I not watched this game and listened to Maguire... I'm glad he pointed it out, but didn't overdo it or anything like that.
Oh God, here we go again. I can't even make jokes about it anymore. It's way too ridiculous.
We blew this game, plain and simple. But it will be re-written by the media as Crosby's heart and soul and strong legs and never-quit attitude overcoming all.
I need a shower.
When I thought they had run out of things to say when Sid wasn't on the ice, they spent a minute talking about quotes in the papers about Crosby made by other players. Do they actually spend their time reading quotes about Crosby and memorizing them?
We need 3 goals right now just to shut Maguire up. Come on.
Maguire can't wait to see his two monsters Phaneuf and Crosby square off tomorrow.
This is getting to be too much for me, and I'm cheering for Crosby tonight.
We need 3 goals right now just to shut Maguire up.
No, because then we will have scored because Crosby wasn't getting enough ice time.
I really hope TSN gets taking to task on this.
Oh c'mon Andy. Penguins aren't just a little better than us, they're alot better. And of course, they have Crosby - heheh. A win here would have been a nice surprise.
Still, our guys are playing alot better and I think there's more to come. But its pretty obvious we need our own game breaker.
A win here would have been a nice surprise.
I agree. But we had it, and let it slide. That's all I'm saying. 2-0 in the 3rd. Should be shut it down time. Instead we gave up four.
Gretzky Crosby.
Of course you knew Crosby would will the Crosbies to win. At least we know that Maguire will exhaust himself...*ahem...with himself and get a good night's sleep.
Well it was fun while it lasted, here's looking forward to the next game. Keep in mind the Blues are 10-1 in their last couple games or something insane like that though. And Brad Boyes is scoring like crazy.
We're the Canadian team, but Sports Centre just skipped showing the Oilers first goal, and showed all four of the Crosby's goals.
You can't string together a ten-game winning streak without losing a few along the way.
Or something.
Also, we lost because I didn't wear my Oilers shirt to work today. They were dirty! Sorry, guys.
Also, we lost because I didn't wear my Oilers shirt to work today. They were dirty! Sorry, guys.
Crosby must have dirtied it with his strong legs. Don't worry, LB. Crosby. Gretzky Crosby. In the house that Gretzky buillt. Crosby.
Well, we had it after 2 periods anyways. Guess ya can't beat Crosby-palooza huh?
The dude's got 40 points already this year? Jeebus!
Well no matter what, the nice things to take away are that Horcoff is now scoring to add to his overall excellent play, and that Pitkanen is looking more and more like that 1st pair rushing D-man we hoped he would be.
And Lord Bob, that's a *weaksauce* excuse...being dirty...sheesh. Although I think it was my fault, every game I've seen the Oilers seem to lose. And everyone I've missed they've won. I'm sorry, I got that link to a working Sopcast feed and started watching the 3rd.
Great game. In the end, Crosby showed why TSN talks about him a lot -- 3A in one period to overcome a 2-goal deficit and win the game.
Let's face it, who else would they talk about in this game? There was one clearly dominant player here.
In the end, Crosby showed why TSN talks about him a lot -- 3A in one period to overcome a 2-goal deficit and win the game.
I know. Crosby turned it over to Crosby, who then shot it at Crosby. 2-1. Then Crosby took that shot from the blueline, and scored a weak one on Crosby. 2-2. On the third goal, Crosby's strong legs pushed past Crosby, Crosby and Crosby, and then he passed it to Crosby, who passed it to Crosby, who shot it, and it went in on Crosby. The fourth goal, though, that was ALL Crosby. He took the faceoff, perservered with passion past all the other Crosbies,, and then made an excellent pass to Crosby after a shot from Crosby deflected off of Crosby and bounced right back onto Crosby's stick. It was a Crosby of a performance. Gretzky Crosby. TSN. Gretzky Crosby.
The good news is that MacTavish is, as a coach, brilliant when it comes to getting the matchup he wants on the ice.
The bad news is that MacTavish figures out which matchup he wants by throwing darts at a board.
Wow, Edmonton got Crosbied tonight. I love that we get the second game of Pittsburgh's back to back road games.
Oh, I've noticed a few comments about the small number of posts on Flames game threads . . . but I'll take 4 or 5 comments over the 159 comment verbal group masturbation that Edmonton fans prefer.
Nothing like reading this entire comment thread when I already knew the score. I'm so sad right now.
Way, way up there somewhere, Andy said:
That should bump them up to around the $50 million mark. Which means Ketchup won't be coming back unless a trade happens. But why is ESPN saying they need to move salary? Looks to me like they will still be under.
Considering the CBA states that teams must leave room within the upper limit for suspended players' contracts (in case they come back, are reinstated, etc.), there's no way the Ducks have to clear room...unless of course they broke through the upper limit. Oh, that would be a fun press conference. :-)
This has already been mentioned, but I have to chime in as well. That TSN broadcast was embarrassing, Maguire in particular. His blinders for everyone not named Sidney was ridiculous. The only thing close is American TV coverage at the Olympics. That's not a standard to be emulated Pierre.
TSN's sad excuse for a broadcast is yet another reason the league had to change the schedule. Crosby visiting only once every three years turns it into a circus.
Hopefully that means other excellent stories have a chance of surviving next time Crosby visits. Like Pisani's amazing return to Rexall ice. Not even a peep in Thursday's Edmonton papers. Now that's embarrassing.
The bad news is that MacTavish figures out which matchup he wants by throwing darts at a board.
I'm really confused as to why a line of Horcoff, Hemsky and Pisani, or even Penner, didn't play against Crosby more.
I'm really confused as to why a line of Horcoff, Hemsky and Pisani, or even Penner, didn't play against Crosby more.
agreed. at the very least they should have put that line out there after the first goal. oh well....the streak couldn't last forever.
The resurgent Toronto Maple Leafs?
message to glen healy...the only difference between you and i...i've never claimed to be an nhl calibre goalie.
It was Maguire who said it.
healy also said it when he was gushing about the virtues of the new schedule. it basically boiled down to how fans of the western conference would be blessed to see the greatness of the hockey played in the east.
Oh, I've noticed a few comments about the small number of posts on Flames game threads . . . but I'll take 4 or 5 comments over the 159 comment verbal group masturbation that Edmonton fans prefer.
I guess when you've had the kind of success the Falmes have had historically, "less is more" is the only way to go. "One Stanley Cup is just fine. Any more would look gaudy."
Also: I don't think eating an entire container of Duncan Hines frosting between periods is doing much for Penner's game.
Can we start referring to him as McDouche? I don't think there should be any trouble with the spelling.
Being that I live in Cowtown I wonder if Sportsnet is going turn tonights tilt into a Crosby spankathon. Jeebuss I hope Celine or Regyr give him the Brazilian wax.
The boys let up and that is why we lost.
Doesn't TSN get to cover some of the hockey games during the Olympics? If that's the case, CROSBY playing for TEAM CANADA is going to make McDouchestalker go absolutely ballistic. CROSBY will be a "monster" just for waking up.
Actually, I'm surprised that Hemsky didn't take the challenge of playing against Crosby a little more to heart (seems like Horcoff did). Gretzky used to get charged up when he was playing big games, and you could actually see him raising the level of his own game. It was pretty damn cool to watch!
Gretzby Croszky.
Long enough that I got sleepy and lopped off the top third of the original. I had enough of that punk's mug last night.
hey, I made the player logs a little easier to use:
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I basically only get to see games broadcasted on CBC or TSN so I'm pretty pleased to get to see The Pisani in his first game back home. I'm pretty confident MacT will do the right thing and have him in the starting lineup and it will be great to see the ovation he gets. Some decent storylines going into this game but Pisani is the biggest for sure.
Some decent storylines going into this game but Pisani is the biggest for sure.
I forgot to fuel rumours that Roloson is going to be playing tonight so as to showcase him to the Pens for a possible trade. Damn. I'm really failing to live up to my responsibility as irresponsible blogging rumour-monger.
The Pens need a goalie in the worst way. Roloson would be an upgrade for the playoffs for that team and it could be a difference maker for them, Fleury is just so spastic and lets in some of the weakest goals, usually when he slides out to the halfboards to make a save when the puck is going the other way, he looks like my buddy who is horrible at goal and can barely skate yet will strap up after several beers and loads of peer pressure for the outdoor rink. Of course saying all this Fleury will probably steal the show tonight and then go back to sucking in Calgary.
I find that as I get older
[way past my 33rd]
that these so-called blogspots
are starting to grow on me.
I understand they can be eliminated by the careful use of lasers
But who has the money or time?
I forgot to fuel rumours that Roloson is going to be playing tonight so as to showcase him to the Pens for a possible trade.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! We are trading Roli + Stoll for Crosby + Staal!
Remember, you heard it from Andy first.
If only Bob Cole were calling this game for the sheer joy of the Stall vs Stoll shifts....right up there with the Classics like "Spacicek" (a combo of Spacek and Vasicek)... and "Pronger, over to the other guy, back to Pronger"
Could be worse in terms of the cap and albatross contracts - caught the leafs last night - I believe they have 42M plus committed to next year already. Oilers have Souray and Penner. Leafs have Raycroft, McCabe, Kubina, Blake, Bell, Tucker and Gill amongst their iffy contracts, although Gill and Raycroft are both finished after next season.
I'm not comfortable with being mentioned in the same breath as the Leafs on this issue. Or any other issue, for that matter.
It's going to be interesting to hear what the TSN's yaks have to say after spending the previous 2 hours waxing peotic about 87 and his apostles' journey through the mother land only to have 18,000 give a 10 minute standing ovation to the Saint.
Also fun to look forward to - Staal going 0/0/-2/2PIM and being named Monster of the Game.
However, in his post-game interview Pisani will grant McGuire pardon.
The "blogspots" is one thing, but why the hell does the existence of Facebook groups devoted to x or y make it into the meat of any news article?
They've been cited as evidence for the breadth of support for one idea or another in the Journal a ridiculous number of times, considering it probably requires less effort to join a facebook group than slapping a bumper sticker on your car.
How does one get that much free publicity and influence?
Oh the Pierre man love ...who does he love in this game. Who is going to be the monster.
Lets take up a collection and award the Oiler that pops one off Pierre's noggin.
Maybe Zach can give him a face wash after scoring 2.
Go Oil.
Hey, it looks like Niedermayer isn't...dead! Good thing we've already beat them 3 times this year.
Niedermayer is under contract with the Ducks until 2009. If the former returned, he would be paid about $4 million of his $6.75-million salary this season.
That should bump them up to around the $50 million mark. Which means Ketchup won't be coming back unless a trade happens. But why is ESPN saying they need to move salary? Looks to me like they will still be under.
story goes is that it puts them over the limit for next year. supposedly this is a no-no in the cba.
All I gotta say is screw Chuck Norris!!! Pisani was/is/ever will be the one whos tears can cause the great flood for oilers fans!!
36.658 +
.65 Thoreson (can't command more than min qual offer)
1.1 Nillson (counting numbers and age can't command more than min qual offer)
1.1 Greb (counting numbers and age can't command more than min qual offer)
1.8 Gilbert (just off his entry deal, no arbi rights, healthy raise based on role)
3.5 Pitkanen (starting to rack up the counting numbers)
2.4 Stoll (he'd have to be on fire the the last 54 GP to get more than a qual offer. He's already been paid for past performance on the current contract.
47.208 -- even if you want to keep all of them. And perhaps Row-bert and Grebs are the pair to go putting you at $45 M with extra scratch for Pitkanen and Gilbert or Stoll.
Maybe what Bryzgalov was paid factors in and puts them over?
Do you not read the links I provide, McLean? Those numbers are included on the NHL numbers page I linked to.
What are the odds of TSN screwing up Pisani's return by either a) continuing to show a Suns/Raptors game that goes over time, or b) doing some opening bit where Maguire fawns over Crosby or Healy talks about the time he was a back-up goalie for the Rangers?
Read the links, get serious.
Pisani's return, sadly, will barely be mentioned as Maguire goes kookoo bananas over Crosby.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I saw little in the Edmonton dailies about it - all Crosby, all the time.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I saw little in the Edmonton dailies about it - all Crosby, all the time.
Ya, they mentioned Le GG and Sykora, but nothing on Pisani's homecoming. I figure they'll report on it two weeks to three years from now, which is the usual length of time they are behind the blogs. Sorry, the blogspots.
I think on Bell ExpressVu TSN has their alternate channel which they will hopefully use to show the return of the Great Healer.
If I get home and I'm watching the 4th quarter of TeenWolf's Beavers V. Barney I'm gonna lose it.
The Sportsnet guys are at Rexall, and they just did a whole segment on the game tonight. Nada on Pisani. Same goes for Global.
This Gretzky/Crosby connection is just dumb. I don't enjoy Sidney Crosby because he reminds me of old Oilers. I enjoy him because he's a damn good hockey player. The only comparison I'd make is that Crosby whines like a baby like Gretzky did when he was 20.
I'm suprised TSN isn't doing some splitscreen action with half the screen covering the gameplay and the other half being a "Crosby Cam" that watches him non - stop including intermissions with no commercial breaks. Was Pisani mentioned once in the pre - show?
This is getting to be too much. The shot of Gretzky's banner over the shoulder of Crosby? Gag.
There we go. Two sentences from Miller. And Maguire misses the fact that Pisani and Le GG are on the ice for very specific reasons to start the game
Pierre Maguire: Look at this play develop. Sidney Crosby passes to Sidney Crosby in the corner, who outhustles Sidney Crosby for the puck and dishes it over to Sidney Crosby, who then gets two quick shots off on Sidney Crosby. That is why Sidney Crosby is so difficult to stop, Gord Crosby.
Hey, was that Sidney Crosby who just scored for the Oilers?!
When is the last time the Oilers have scored a goal that nice 5 on 5? Good stuff, nice response to the Pens chances.
No TV here...still can't watch. I rely on streams and Infonet streams no longer work for me.
Nilsson scores and I miss it =(. And Roloson a man on fire again.
Any reaction to Pisani so far that I missed?
Any reaction to Pisani so far that I missed?
Not that I saw. Rishaug just did a bit on him, and Miller just said to give him the Masterton right now.
Gord Miller is all for Pisani getting the Masterson Trophy. Roloson might get the Vezina for these first few minutes.
Picked up on Maguire's mic, I just heard in the background, faintly, a full-throated scream from a fan: "YOU SUCK MAGUIRE!!!"
Pisani for the Masterson and then Maguire had some great things to say about him.
Now the interview. Very nice.
"I just want to give a shoutout to my man (and mother to my child) Andy Grabia!"
What gets me about Maguire is that if he could just contain himself and stop being such an over the top assclown he'd be a helluva commentator.
And I got to say I'm very underwhelmed by the reception Pisani has received. I feel kinda ashamed right now.
uni - they just interviewed Fernando - after he parted the Red Sea he mentioned that he got a nice cheer - probably when they announced the starting lineup
I'll take Maguire over Oilers PPV anyday.
He's over the top but at least knows what he's talking about.
Pitkanen gives me a boner. I can admit it. Every time he and Gilbert Gilbert are on the ice I have to push down the tent pole.
Ok, how about that Pitkanen rush - charges in, backhander, picks up his own rebound, Penner coughs it up, Pens attack and Pitkanen breaks it up.
Smid and Pitkanen are playing their best hockey this season, but Tom Gilbert is the de facto number 1.
And oh yeah: Crosby Crosby Crosby something-about-the-1980s-Oilers Crosby Crosby...
Does the NHL not publish shift charts anymore? I wanted to see who Crosby played against most of that period.

Coming up, the TSN panel discusses whether Sidney Crosby is more like Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, or8 pounds, 6 ounces baby Jesus...
Milbury: I like to think of Sidney as an Ice Dancer, dressed in an all-white jumpsuit, and doing an interpretive dance of my life...
Healy: I like to think of Sidney like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk...

Mackenzie: I like to picture Sidney in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party...
Santa, I'd like a shift chart that was at least colour coded for whoevers on the ice together at one time.
Anyone else worried that sometime tomorrow during a conversation at work that you might spontaneously blurt out "Crosby" ?
I like how even when Glenn Healy's right (Oilers = playoff pretenders), he's wrong (Oilers get points for losing.)
I hope he does become GM for the Leafs. He'll be making Mike Milbury look smart in a whole new way.
He's over the top but at least knows what he's talking about.
That's what I'm saying, if only he'd tone it down the man would be just awesome.
As for Pitkanen, boy am I glad I grabbed him when he came off the IR in my pool. I just hope he can keep this up.
Classic tale of 2 cities. Both have struggled mightily over the last decade after winning some championships with some unbelievably stacked teams. Its funny though how the Pens have drafted smart and are lookin lke a risin powerhouse with years of potential. Meanwhile the Oil are pluggin a couple decent rookies and somehow making there fans believe that they are the western conf version of the Pens.
True, Uni.
Meanwhile Crosby makes a typical hockey pass and Maguire attributes to the play of a "special player."
So is Crosby just allowed to book it at the net? Is Stoll just supposed to watch Crosby attack the net? That's a smart play, not a penalty.
Seriously though, does Crosby get this kind of attention on other TSN broadcasts? I never noticed.
It's silly. I bet they don't do this for Thornton or Lecavalier, who are basically at about the same skill level.
I would bet that Smid and Staios have played nearly every shift against Crosby.
That would explain plenty. 77, 25 and 10 should be out there against him all the time.
I wish I had this game taped. I'd go back and track the number of times Maguire says "Crosby." It's gotta be 200 already.
Am I the only one who thinks that even if Maguire does know the game, he's shit at explaining it? He just fellated 48 on PIT for moving back and forth across the net and then 48 completely bails on setting a screen on Roli. Weak.
brutal game 4 the COILERS. roli cant keep this up much longer u can clearly tell that he is weezing.
Did someone hear something?
Oh and hey, Maguire just mentione Colby Armstrong. I'm sure he meant Crosby.
Yeah Ty, I saw that too - look at him screen look at him screen then a little matador.
I don't know Andy, Smid and Staios are doing ok out there against old what's his name.
You know this Crosby thing reminds me of when I was in Edmonton two weeks ago with Andy Grabia - rock star stuff, not a moment of peace.
They are giving Joni and Gilbert Gilbert lots of love.
That was a great shift by Stoll/Torres/Pisani - Crosby's line spent the whole shift in their own zone while they cycled - good work.
Man I want to see this so bad, I don't care if Maguire is busy pleasuring himself to Crosby.
I swear to God, when Horc got beat to the puck in his own end by Staal, I said out loud, "he'll be embarrassed and come back down and score." And then I said out loud, "Hemsky should be pissed about all the love Crosby is getting." And then, wham!!
I don't care if I sound like Maguire... boom! I so called that! That was a MONSTER play by Hemsky and Maguire!!!
Shhh about Pitkanen and Gilbert, Gord. You're supposed to be on our side.
WOW. Just wow. How bout that pass, and I don't think the puck touched the ice before Horc deposited top shelf.
Wow, looking at that replay, and recalling that last goal when he roofed it. Horcoff is looking like that one shot scorer Hemsky needs haha.
The Oilers are transforming into a pretty solid unit, Pisani in the lineup has made a quick obvious distance. The ridiculous goaltending isn't hurting either.
Anyone remember GG's hat trick? That was one of the most rewarding pieces of hockey watching ever...
Anyone remember GG's hat trick? That was one of the most rewarding pieces of hockey watching ever...
Totally remember that game. Lots of smashing himself against the boards that night.
McGuire's going to go on a Crosby-withdrawal episode of madness and tear Michel Therrien's head off. I'm calling it.
First time caller, long time listener.
This is Le best blog spot ever.
Have to say it.
The Crosquins are being denied at the Gateway.
Ice is starting to tilt the other way now.
Shit, I should keep my my mouth shut. Bad play by Gilbert Gilbert.
Spot them the 2 so that Gagner can show Crosby how it's done.
This is how we do it.
P.S. Could Smid back up his in front of the net antics of late?
Wow, what just happened, took the garbage out and all of a sudden it's all tied up. I thought the oilers had this one wrapped up.
I thought the oilers had this one wrapped up.
They did. Two terrible brain farts by Gilbert Gilbert and Roli cost them.
I love how instead of the simple call like: Staios tries to clear the puck off the boards and does, changes in this game to "Crosby there to try and break up the clearing attempt, and it gets out."
Colby Colbies... nah that seems tacky. It's toby peterson... now we need Colby to fight someone.
"That all happened because Crosby didn't quit on the play".
If I were Sid, I would have my lawyers draw up a restraining order against Pierre MacGuire almost immediately.
Disgusting commentary.
I wouldn't have known that Sidney Crosby was this good at hockey had I not watched this game and listened to Maguire... I'm glad he pointed it out, but didn't overdo it or anything like that.
Oh God, here we go again. I can't even make jokes about it anymore. It's way too ridiculous.
We blew this game, plain and simple. But it will be re-written by the media as Crosby's heart and soul and strong legs and never-quit attitude overcoming all.
I need a shower.
When I thought they had run out of things to say when Sid wasn't on the ice, they spent a minute talking about quotes in the papers about Crosby made by other players. Do they actually spend their time reading quotes about Crosby and memorizing them?
We need 3 goals right now just to shut Maguire up. Come on.
Maguire can't wait to see his two monsters Phaneuf and Crosby square off tomorrow.
This is getting to be too much for me, and I'm cheering for Crosby tonight.
We need 3 goals right now just to shut Maguire up.
No, because then we will have scored because Crosby wasn't getting enough ice time.
I really hope TSN gets taking to task on this.
Oh c'mon Andy. Penguins aren't just a little better than us, they're alot better. And of course, they have Crosby - heheh. A win here would have been a nice surprise.
Still, our guys are playing alot better and I think there's more to come. But its pretty obvious we need our own game breaker.
A win here would have been a nice surprise.
I agree. But we had it, and let it slide. That's all I'm saying. 2-0 in the 3rd. Should be shut it down time. Instead we gave up four.
Gretzky Crosby.
Of course you knew Crosby would will the Crosbies to win. At least we know that Maguire will exhaust himself...*ahem...with himself and get a good night's sleep.
Well it was fun while it lasted, here's looking forward to the next game. Keep in mind the Blues are 10-1 in their last couple games or something insane like that though. And Brad Boyes is scoring like crazy.
We're the Canadian team, but Sports Centre just skipped showing the Oilers first goal, and showed all four of the Crosby's goals.
You can't string together a ten-game winning streak without losing a few along the way.
Or something.
Also, we lost because I didn't wear my Oilers shirt to work today. They were dirty! Sorry, guys.
Also, we lost because I didn't wear my Oilers shirt to work today. They were dirty! Sorry, guys.
Crosby must have dirtied it with his strong legs. Don't worry, LB. Crosby. Gretzky Crosby. In the house that Gretzky buillt. Crosby.
Well, we had it after 2 periods anyways. Guess ya can't beat Crosby-palooza huh?
The dude's got 40 points already this year? Jeebus!
Well no matter what, the nice things to take away are that Horcoff is now scoring to add to his overall excellent play, and that Pitkanen is looking more and more like that 1st pair rushing D-man we hoped he would be.
And Lord Bob, that's a *weaksauce* excuse...being dirty...sheesh. Although I think it was my fault, every game I've seen the Oilers seem to lose. And everyone I've missed they've won. I'm sorry, I got that link to a working Sopcast feed and started watching the 3rd.
Great game. In the end, Crosby showed why TSN talks about him a lot -- 3A in one period to overcome a 2-goal deficit and win the game.
Let's face it, who else would they talk about in this game? There was one clearly dominant player here.
In the end, Crosby showed why TSN talks about him a lot -- 3A in one period to overcome a 2-goal deficit and win the game.
I know. Crosby turned it over to Crosby, who then shot it at Crosby. 2-1. Then Crosby took that shot from the blueline, and scored a weak one on Crosby. 2-2. On the third goal, Crosby's strong legs pushed past Crosby, Crosby and Crosby, and then he passed it to Crosby, who passed it to Crosby, who shot it, and it went in on Crosby. The fourth goal, though, that was ALL Crosby. He took the faceoff, perservered with passion past all the other Crosbies,, and then made an excellent pass to Crosby after a shot from Crosby deflected off of Crosby and bounced right back onto Crosby's stick. It was a Crosby of a performance. Gretzky Crosby. TSN. Gretzky Crosby.
The good news is that MacTavish is, as a coach, brilliant when it comes to getting the matchup he wants on the ice.
The bad news is that MacTavish figures out which matchup he wants by throwing darts at a board.
Wow, Edmonton got Crosbied tonight. I love that we get the second game of Pittsburgh's back to back road games.
Oh, I've noticed a few comments about the small number of posts on Flames game threads . . . but I'll take 4 or 5 comments over the 159 comment verbal group masturbation that Edmonton fans prefer.
Nothing like reading this entire comment thread when I already knew the score. I'm so sad right now.
Way, way up there somewhere, Andy said:
That should bump them up to around the $50 million mark. Which means Ketchup won't be coming back unless a trade happens. But why is ESPN saying they need to move salary? Looks to me like they will still be under.
Considering the CBA states that teams must leave room within the upper limit for suspended players' contracts (in case they come back, are reinstated, etc.), there's no way the Ducks have to clear room...unless of course they broke through the upper limit. Oh, that would be a fun press conference. :-)
This has already been mentioned, but I have to chime in as well. That TSN broadcast was embarrassing, Maguire in particular. His blinders for everyone not named Sidney was ridiculous. The only thing close is American TV coverage at the Olympics. That's not a standard to be emulated Pierre.
TSN's sad excuse for a broadcast is yet another reason the league had to change the schedule. Crosby visiting only once every three years turns it into a circus.
Hopefully that means other excellent stories have a chance of surviving next time Crosby visits. Like Pisani's amazing return to Rexall ice. Not even a peep in Thursday's Edmonton papers. Now that's embarrassing.
The bad news is that MacTavish figures out which matchup he wants by throwing darts at a board.
I'm really confused as to why a line of Horcoff, Hemsky and Pisani, or even Penner, didn't play against Crosby more.
I'm really confused as to why a line of Horcoff, Hemsky and Pisani, or even Penner, didn't play against Crosby more.
agreed. at the very least they should have put that line out there after the first goal. oh well....the streak couldn't last forever.
The resurgent Toronto Maple Leafs?
message to glen healy...the only difference between you and i...i've never claimed to be an nhl calibre goalie.
It was Maguire who said it.
healy also said it when he was gushing about the virtues of the new schedule. it basically boiled down to how fans of the western conference would be blessed to see the greatness of the hockey played in the east.
Oh, I've noticed a few comments about the small number of posts on Flames game threads . . . but I'll take 4 or 5 comments over the 159 comment verbal group masturbation that Edmonton fans prefer.
I guess when you've had the kind of success the Falmes have had historically, "less is more" is the only way to go. "One Stanley Cup is just fine. Any more would look gaudy."
Also: I don't think eating an entire container of Duncan Hines frosting between periods is doing much for Penner's game.
Can we start referring to him as McDouche? I don't think there should be any trouble with the spelling.
Being that I live in Cowtown I wonder if Sportsnet is going turn tonights tilt into a Crosby spankathon. Jeebuss I hope Celine or Regyr give him the Brazilian wax.
The boys let up and that is why we lost.
Doesn't TSN get to cover some of the hockey games during the Olympics? If that's the case, CROSBY playing for TEAM CANADA is going to make McDouchestalker go absolutely ballistic. CROSBY will be a "monster" just for waking up.
Actually, I'm surprised that Hemsky didn't take the challenge of playing against Crosby a little more to heart (seems like Horcoff did). Gretzky used to get charged up when he was playing big games, and you could actually see him raising the level of his own game. It was pretty damn cool to watch!
Gretzby Croszky.
Long enough that I got sleepy and lopped off the top third of the original. I had enough of that punk's mug last night.
hey, I made the player logs a little easier to use:
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