Sunday, January 22, 2006
Sore, Sore, Sore

I apologize to all of the Oilers fans out there for abandoning you over the last few days. I unexpectedly went skiing in Jasper over the weekend.
Although during junior high and high school I was a skiin' fool, this was only the third time I've strapped on the boards in the last 15 years. Needless to say the day after skiing (i.e., today) I was totally unable to get out of bed, nevermind try to find an internet cafe in Jasper to chime in about the Phoenix game.
I come back today to find about a million Flames posts. Talk about kickin' a guy when he is down, Fenwick
Never fear, however, because I am back and pumped about tomorrow night's BoA.
Go Oil!
Don't worry, Sacamano. You continue to enjoy our complete confidence. You know, just like Pat Quinn enjoys John Ferguson Jr.'s.
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Don't worry, Sacamano. You continue to enjoy our complete confidence. You know, just like Pat Quinn enjoys John Ferguson Jr.'s.
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