Monday, December 03, 2007
Why are you smiling like that? I just like to smile. Smiling's my favorite.

1) It puts us even further ahead of the Flames;
2) It puts us two points out of a playoff position;
3) It puts us one point behind the Ducks, whose 2008 first round draft pick, let's not forget, we own.
There will be lots of hockey left to play, of course. But a win tonight and Oilers fans get to enjoy the following, if only for a little while:
1) The continued joy of seeing Flames fans suffer;
2) Hope for the first time in ten months;
3) The blissful thought of the Ducks ending up with a worse pick than the Oilers, and the consequent shutting the f**k up of Brian Burke.
Screen capture taken from Yahoo!
The NW division has become the AFC West.
The blissful thought of the Ducks ending up with a worse pick than the Oilers, and the consequent shutting the f**k up of Brian Burke.
If only!
Nice to see the Christmas spirit already showing up in your post headers, Andy.
Set up the tree and decorated the house yesterday (including an awesome board game display), and already have Christmas Vacation, Elf, Scrooged and How The Grinch Stole Christmas under my belt. You watch Christmas Vacation yet?
Stellar reporting here Grabs...
Thought I must admit that I prefer looking at the divisional standings as it shows Flames in last place.
You have to believe Garon will be motivated to go against his old team for the first time. So, naturally, the Oilers played Garon yesterday and will no doubt start Roloson against Los Angeles.
This game has letdown written all over it, which means the Oilers will win 5-2. Goals from Gilbert Gilbert, Horcoff, Penner (bouncing off his left ear), and Pitkanen with two.
"The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear"....or by looking at the current NW division standings....either way
Mikka Kiprusoff - .884 Sv%
More from Kiprusoff Superstar
I don't know how to love him
What to do, how to move him
He has changed, yes really changed
In these past few days
Since he signed that deal
He seems like someone else
Kind of like Dan Cloutier
I don't know how to take this
I can see why they are losing
He's a man
He's just a man
You watch Christmas Vacation yet?
Only twice, although I've made three overflowing roasting pans full of nuts & bolts.
And to the other commenters, I offer a hearty Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass, kiss your ass, kiss his ass, Happy Hanukkah.
It's time for the Flames to burn some dust. Eat our rubber, Oilers!
"So, naturally, the Oilers played Garon yesterday and will no doubt start Roloson against Los Angeles."
Already been announced Garon is starting tonight. Kings have dropped 6 of their last 8 games. Go Oil!
What's really messed up is that last week there was 4 points separating #2 in the WC from #13 in the WC...2 wins from penthouse to doghouse???
u coiler fans are totaly diluting yourselves if u think that ***BIG CHORTLE*** youre seriously going to end up better than the ducks or that youll end up better than the flames by the end of the year
what i see is a team that got a few lucky breaks and a few fluke wins that will correct themsleves with the proper carma. and i see an even better team with better management and a better roster (thats the FLAMES) suffer from some bad bounces and a typical (lousy) flames start.
this team will gel, and the flames are going to, as matt says, force the coilers to eat our rubbers
It puts us one point behind the Ducks, whose 2008 first round draft pick, let's not forget, we own.
Damn, though. Oilers own the Ducks' pick shouldn't have to mean that they own the Ducks, too.
Gotta read that fine print, I guess.
"Diluting" ourselves? Interesting science lab that...
BTW, what's this "carma" you speak of, oh wise fever4flames? Makes we question your claim that the Falmes have a better roster. Interesting that you didn't claim better coaching.
Interesting that you didn't claim better coaching.
Now now Rod, none of that selective memory. Let's call a spade a spade. Everyone knows Mike Keenan is a genius and the man is a wizard with NW teams.
Just look at the huge turn around he was responsible for with the Canucks last season alone.
"thinking hurts" said...
I never believed my teachers or trusted newspapers / books when they spelled carma starting with a K, it just didn't work for me. Glad to know I was right all along and that my thoughts on this have been supported by the smartest person / thing on the entire internet Mr. Reggie Jr., thanks buddy.
"thinking hurts" said...
Craig Mactarded, that's heelarious, I'm ***BIG CHORTLING*** right now, you're the bestest Reggie.
"thinking hurts" said...
Hey Reg, I know grammar is important to you, so before you continue looking foolish you may want to change your name to the correct spelling of "feever4flames". It's feever and not fever. No need to thank, just wanted to help out my inspiration.
i don't know, the part i liked best about F4F was
force the coilers to eat our rubbers
no worries, oilers, i bet they're pretty small anyway...
"thinking hurts" said...
Where did Reg go, maybe he's asking his parents or babysitter for the book spelly thing....(dictionary)
Fuck the BoA glossary: what this site needs is an fever4falmes to English dictionary.
"diluting yourselves". Just classic...or should I say *BIG CHORTLE*
"thinking hurts" said...
Sadly, there is no one on this Earth with the matching intellectual superiority to do the translation, we're all just to Mactarded unfortunately.
I love the little young'n', always makes me smile =).
And that said I'm enjoying this while I can, cause I don't think anyone really expects Kipper to be this bad this consistently for too much longer.
With the way the universe works, buddy is probably going to string off 8 shutouts in a row or something hopes just as the Flames stop scoring. Shootout losses still count as losses right? ;)
And Anonymous you should get a handle, although your sarcasm reserves have to be running low at this point =).
"thinking hurts" said...
I have a handle, I'm just so digustingly lazy to properly log in. My sarcasm reserves charge up every day taking the subway through Toronto, similar to Superman charging up in the sunlight.
Well, "thinking hurts" it's good to see you've found a way to use your powers for good and not evil.
And try missing the last couple games cause for some reason you can't connect to Sopcast anymore. I sat through all those horrid games and what might be the two brightest moments of the season missed ='(. At least I still have CHED.
If only I had those satellites working again, or didn't live in the GTA.
Well off to bed. I guess I'll watch the highlights of Pitkanen's 4 goal performance tommorow.
And that said I'm enjoying this while I can, cause I don't think anyone really expects Kipper to be this bad this consistently for too much longer.
Under "Generic Coach", you are correct.
Under "the brilliant tactician who is Mike Keenan", this could be Kiprusoff's high point of the season!
And that said I'm enjoying this while I can, cause I don't think anyone really expects Kipper to be this bad this consistently for too much longer.
Really? His save percentage isn't getting any better. He put up the same numbers in November as he did in December (slightly worse, actually). But maybe he's just pinin' for the fjords.
Haha, yeah. But I just can't see him consistently sucking for the whole season. I mean the guy can't just walk into an elevator shaft after 3 excellent seasons like that. It's not like he's a Jim Carey or Andrew Raycroft.
Also sounds like I'm missing a heck of a game. Man I should stop sitting by the computer listening to the game and get some sleep.
It's not like he's a Jim Carey or Andrew Raycroft.
But can't we dream? Kipper getting drunk off his ass before every game, skating out boredly, allowing a five-spot in the first period, ending the season as the well-paid 285-pound backup for the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights... it makes me smile just imagining it.
Incidentally, I just got home from work (fun fact: the Oilers are something liek 5-0 this season when I go to work wearing an Oilers t-shirt), put on 630 CHED to listen online, and they have a banner ad for a Charles Adler book club? It's not April Fool's Day, right? Pretty sure it's not April Fool's Day.
Rod Phillips just ejaculated after a Garon save. Gross.
A world without Rod Phillips proclaiming a SCINTILLATING UNBELIEVABLE SAVE twice a period isn't a world I want to live in.
I am all for the shutting up of Brian Burke ... otherwise I am in a great deal of pain right now.
Go Flames.
But maybe he's just pinin' for the fjords.
When Kipper finally goes VOOM, you guys are going to be sorry...
Yes, but this raises an interesting question: since we haven't really seen Kipper suck before, maybe he's quietly snapping like a twig, a la Tommy Salo?
Damn, I love Pisani.
Yes, but this raises an interesting question: since we haven't really seen Kipper suck before
Oh yes we have. Have you forgotten last year's playoffs?
Man, Smid goes after anybody who even breathes on his goalies. I love it.
Yes, but this raises an interesting question: since we haven't really seen Kipper suck before, maybe he's quietly snapping like a twig, a la Tommy Salo?
It's the syphilis. Rots the brain.
It's not like he's a Jim Carey or Andrew Raycroft.
maybe he's quietly snapping like a twig, a la Tommy Salo?
It's my personal hope this is the beginning of a Jose Theodore-esque decline for Kipper. If that's the case—and if the hockey gods have any sense of pity for the ordeal they've put Oilers fans through, it will be—I think the obvious blame is the carma associated with hiring Mike Keenan.
Also, fuck.
Principe on Gagner: "Oh boy. Oh Boy."
It's too bad the Flames don't have a backup goalie like that. Or a starting goalie, for that matter.
I'm going to be dead at my desk tomorrow, but holy hell. Mr. Grabia is right here, Gagner is just money in the shootouts.
And Garon's pads must give shooters nightmaresm
Okay so Garon doesnt bite on fucking anything. Doesnt matter what moves the shooter does Garon doesnt bite till the shooters got nothing left to shoot at. ITs a joy to watch Garon in shootouts.
I didnt think it was possible but Gilbert impressed me even more tonight.
I know it's bread-and-butter, but at some point Gagner is going to have to try a different move. At some point.
I guess it's hard to drop a perfectly executed shootout move anytime soon.
I know it's bread-and-butter, but at some point Gagner is going to have to try a different move. At some point.
He's used different moves. That move against the Hawks was different. Doesn't matter, though. You can't stop Master Gagner. You can only hope to contain him.
I actually think Gagner's shootout move is about as close to perfect as you can get it. If you don't bite on the backhand fake, he can just beat you with it. It's going to take a long time before he needs another one.
I wonder if I can convince anyone to give me tickets to the Pens game? I've looked on Facebook, and the prices are preposterous.
i missed the last half :/ i need highlights. but can't watch them right now. im cursed. the office buddies are going to spill the beans and i'll have to stare and nod excitedly and say yea.
AG said: >>They have to keep Gagner West up, if only for the shootout. It's just ridiculous.<<
Total agreement Andy.
Then there's that pass GW made to Nilsson for the empty net, miss (oops). And GW's shot block late in the game. Nailed him bad enough it looked like he was limping somewhat after the shootout goal. Scored anyway of course. He's certainly gotta get better along the boards, but the kid's got game.
f4f said:>>LOL @ coilers<<
Good idea to keep it short fevered4flames. A comment of yours any longer than that, and we'd need a decoder ring or something. Actually, we still do. Even something that short, without any actual English words to mangle...and you still managed to make a screw up post. Wow. That's talent. Kiprusoff Superstar talent.
Has he always loaded up the fake wrist shot like he did tonight. It's mad, because I make a mental note that the insane moves are coming, but my brain bites on each and every fake. Oh! He's just gonna wrister 'er! No! It's to the back hand and the goalie's covering... HOLY FUCK!
There are no fjords in Finland!!! Not even a one, he might be missin a sauna or something though...
I thought everyone knew that one.
More than anything, I'm kind of pissed about Stortini's goal not getting counted, because there's no real justification for it: a slow whistle is no reason to disallow a goal that's that obviously in the net. If nothing else, they should've gone upstairs. We got the two points, but there's no way the Queens should've even gotten one.
Also, whoever had "the second period of Game 2" down as the point where Pisani would start taking Stortini's job on the 16-14 line for the real work, collect your prize at Guest Services on your way out of the building tonight.
Andy: "Oh yes we have. Have you forgotten last year's playoffs?"
I'm not sure what you think hockey is, but Kipper's .929 sv% in the playoffs was amazing. Kipper stole virtually both games Calgary won in that series, and kept them in the game for the others.
I'm not sure what you think hockey is, but Kipper's .929 sv% in the playoffs was amazing. Kipper stole virtually both games Calgary won in that series, and kept them in the game for the others.
no one will take that away from him. he was the only one who actually showed up for the flames in the playoffs last year. oh wait, i forgot that ms. phaneuf showed up only to get treated like a two bit punk by cleary and bertuzzi.
No one can take away Jim Carey's Vezina Trophy either. I'm sure it keeps him nice and warm at night...
This isn't a slam vs Cosh or anything but who are all these people that try and take stuff away from other people?;)
I heard someone say that years ago and it's just stuck with me. I find it funny when guys always bring up these invisible ill-intentioned bogeymen.
As for Gagner, I was in love with him the first 10 games but now we're going through the stage in the relationship where I can see his bad parts;) I started getting turned off when he was putting up that minus streak during the home games and there was a time when his line was getting killed every night in terms of chances for/against. That's abated somewhat now they've broken up and and Cogliano, but still, outside of some nice little plays from 89 last night, he's an adventure.
Which is to be expected for an 18 year old kid but I hope that when Ethan Eric Daze Moreau gets back, the Oilers start picking their spots for Gagner. Spots like "never play him on the road againt a team that has two real lines."
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The NW division has become the AFC West.
The blissful thought of the Ducks ending up with a worse pick than the Oilers, and the consequent shutting the f**k up of Brian Burke.
If only!
Nice to see the Christmas spirit already showing up in your post headers, Andy.
Set up the tree and decorated the house yesterday (including an awesome board game display), and already have Christmas Vacation, Elf, Scrooged and How The Grinch Stole Christmas under my belt. You watch Christmas Vacation yet?
Stellar reporting here Grabs...
Thought I must admit that I prefer looking at the divisional standings as it shows Flames in last place.
You have to believe Garon will be motivated to go against his old team for the first time. So, naturally, the Oilers played Garon yesterday and will no doubt start Roloson against Los Angeles.
This game has letdown written all over it, which means the Oilers will win 5-2. Goals from Gilbert Gilbert, Horcoff, Penner (bouncing off his left ear), and Pitkanen with two.
"The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear"....or by looking at the current NW division standings....either way
Mikka Kiprusoff - .884 Sv%
More from Kiprusoff Superstar
I don't know how to love him
What to do, how to move him
He has changed, yes really changed
In these past few days
Since he signed that deal
He seems like someone else
Kind of like Dan Cloutier
I don't know how to take this
I can see why they are losing
He's a man
He's just a man
You watch Christmas Vacation yet?
Only twice, although I've made three overflowing roasting pans full of nuts & bolts.
And to the other commenters, I offer a hearty Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass, kiss your ass, kiss his ass, Happy Hanukkah.
It's time for the Flames to burn some dust. Eat our rubber, Oilers!
"So, naturally, the Oilers played Garon yesterday and will no doubt start Roloson against Los Angeles."
Already been announced Garon is starting tonight. Kings have dropped 6 of their last 8 games. Go Oil!
What's really messed up is that last week there was 4 points separating #2 in the WC from #13 in the WC...2 wins from penthouse to doghouse???
u coiler fans are totaly diluting yourselves if u think that ***BIG CHORTLE*** youre seriously going to end up better than the ducks or that youll end up better than the flames by the end of the year
what i see is a team that got a few lucky breaks and a few fluke wins that will correct themsleves with the proper carma. and i see an even better team with better management and a better roster (thats the FLAMES) suffer from some bad bounces and a typical (lousy) flames start.
this team will gel, and the flames are going to, as matt says, force the coilers to eat our rubbers
It puts us one point behind the Ducks, whose 2008 first round draft pick, let's not forget, we own.
Damn, though. Oilers own the Ducks' pick shouldn't have to mean that they own the Ducks, too.
Gotta read that fine print, I guess.
"Diluting" ourselves? Interesting science lab that...
BTW, what's this "carma" you speak of, oh wise fever4flames? Makes we question your claim that the Falmes have a better roster. Interesting that you didn't claim better coaching.
Interesting that you didn't claim better coaching.
Now now Rod, none of that selective memory. Let's call a spade a spade. Everyone knows Mike Keenan is a genius and the man is a wizard with NW teams.
Just look at the huge turn around he was responsible for with the Canucks last season alone.
"thinking hurts" said...
I never believed my teachers or trusted newspapers / books when they spelled carma starting with a K, it just didn't work for me. Glad to know I was right all along and that my thoughts on this have been supported by the smartest person / thing on the entire internet Mr. Reggie Jr., thanks buddy.
"thinking hurts" said...
Craig Mactarded, that's heelarious, I'm ***BIG CHORTLING*** right now, you're the bestest Reggie.
"thinking hurts" said...
Hey Reg, I know grammar is important to you, so before you continue looking foolish you may want to change your name to the correct spelling of "feever4flames". It's feever and not fever. No need to thank, just wanted to help out my inspiration.
i don't know, the part i liked best about F4F was
force the coilers to eat our rubbers
no worries, oilers, i bet they're pretty small anyway...
"thinking hurts" said...
Where did Reg go, maybe he's asking his parents or babysitter for the book spelly thing....(dictionary)
Fuck the BoA glossary: what this site needs is an fever4falmes to English dictionary.
"diluting yourselves". Just classic...or should I say *BIG CHORTLE*
"thinking hurts" said...
Sadly, there is no one on this Earth with the matching intellectual superiority to do the translation, we're all just to Mactarded unfortunately.
I love the little young'n', always makes me smile =).
And that said I'm enjoying this while I can, cause I don't think anyone really expects Kipper to be this bad this consistently for too much longer.
With the way the universe works, buddy is probably going to string off 8 shutouts in a row or something hopes just as the Flames stop scoring. Shootout losses still count as losses right? ;)
And Anonymous you should get a handle, although your sarcasm reserves have to be running low at this point =).
"thinking hurts" said...
I have a handle, I'm just so digustingly lazy to properly log in. My sarcasm reserves charge up every day taking the subway through Toronto, similar to Superman charging up in the sunlight.
Well, "thinking hurts" it's good to see you've found a way to use your powers for good and not evil.
And try missing the last couple games cause for some reason you can't connect to Sopcast anymore. I sat through all those horrid games and what might be the two brightest moments of the season missed ='(. At least I still have CHED.
If only I had those satellites working again, or didn't live in the GTA.
Well off to bed. I guess I'll watch the highlights of Pitkanen's 4 goal performance tommorow.
And that said I'm enjoying this while I can, cause I don't think anyone really expects Kipper to be this bad this consistently for too much longer.
Under "Generic Coach", you are correct.
Under "the brilliant tactician who is Mike Keenan", this could be Kiprusoff's high point of the season!
And that said I'm enjoying this while I can, cause I don't think anyone really expects Kipper to be this bad this consistently for too much longer.
Really? His save percentage isn't getting any better. He put up the same numbers in November as he did in December (slightly worse, actually). But maybe he's just pinin' for the fjords.
Haha, yeah. But I just can't see him consistently sucking for the whole season. I mean the guy can't just walk into an elevator shaft after 3 excellent seasons like that. It's not like he's a Jim Carey or Andrew Raycroft.
Also sounds like I'm missing a heck of a game. Man I should stop sitting by the computer listening to the game and get some sleep.
It's not like he's a Jim Carey or Andrew Raycroft.
But can't we dream? Kipper getting drunk off his ass before every game, skating out boredly, allowing a five-spot in the first period, ending the season as the well-paid 285-pound backup for the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights... it makes me smile just imagining it.
Incidentally, I just got home from work (fun fact: the Oilers are something liek 5-0 this season when I go to work wearing an Oilers t-shirt), put on 630 CHED to listen online, and they have a banner ad for a Charles Adler book club? It's not April Fool's Day, right? Pretty sure it's not April Fool's Day.
Rod Phillips just ejaculated after a Garon save. Gross.
A world without Rod Phillips proclaiming a SCINTILLATING UNBELIEVABLE SAVE twice a period isn't a world I want to live in.
I am all for the shutting up of Brian Burke ... otherwise I am in a great deal of pain right now.
Go Flames.
But maybe he's just pinin' for the fjords.
When Kipper finally goes VOOM, you guys are going to be sorry...
Yes, but this raises an interesting question: since we haven't really seen Kipper suck before, maybe he's quietly snapping like a twig, a la Tommy Salo?
Damn, I love Pisani.
Yes, but this raises an interesting question: since we haven't really seen Kipper suck before
Oh yes we have. Have you forgotten last year's playoffs?
Man, Smid goes after anybody who even breathes on his goalies. I love it.
Yes, but this raises an interesting question: since we haven't really seen Kipper suck before, maybe he's quietly snapping like a twig, a la Tommy Salo?
It's the syphilis. Rots the brain.
It's not like he's a Jim Carey or Andrew Raycroft.
maybe he's quietly snapping like a twig, a la Tommy Salo?
It's my personal hope this is the beginning of a Jose Theodore-esque decline for Kipper. If that's the case—and if the hockey gods have any sense of pity for the ordeal they've put Oilers fans through, it will be—I think the obvious blame is the carma associated with hiring Mike Keenan.
Also, fuck.
Principe on Gagner: "Oh boy. Oh Boy."
It's too bad the Flames don't have a backup goalie like that. Or a starting goalie, for that matter.
I'm going to be dead at my desk tomorrow, but holy hell. Mr. Grabia is right here, Gagner is just money in the shootouts.
And Garon's pads must give shooters nightmaresm
Okay so Garon doesnt bite on fucking anything. Doesnt matter what moves the shooter does Garon doesnt bite till the shooters got nothing left to shoot at. ITs a joy to watch Garon in shootouts.
I didnt think it was possible but Gilbert impressed me even more tonight.
I know it's bread-and-butter, but at some point Gagner is going to have to try a different move. At some point.
I guess it's hard to drop a perfectly executed shootout move anytime soon.
I know it's bread-and-butter, but at some point Gagner is going to have to try a different move. At some point.
He's used different moves. That move against the Hawks was different. Doesn't matter, though. You can't stop Master Gagner. You can only hope to contain him.
I actually think Gagner's shootout move is about as close to perfect as you can get it. If you don't bite on the backhand fake, he can just beat you with it. It's going to take a long time before he needs another one.
I wonder if I can convince anyone to give me tickets to the Pens game? I've looked on Facebook, and the prices are preposterous.
i missed the last half :/ i need highlights. but can't watch them right now. im cursed. the office buddies are going to spill the beans and i'll have to stare and nod excitedly and say yea.
AG said: >>They have to keep Gagner West up, if only for the shootout. It's just ridiculous.<<
Total agreement Andy.
Then there's that pass GW made to Nilsson for the empty net, miss (oops). And GW's shot block late in the game. Nailed him bad enough it looked like he was limping somewhat after the shootout goal. Scored anyway of course. He's certainly gotta get better along the boards, but the kid's got game.
f4f said:>>LOL @ coilers<<
Good idea to keep it short fevered4flames. A comment of yours any longer than that, and we'd need a decoder ring or something. Actually, we still do. Even something that short, without any actual English words to mangle...and you still managed to make a screw up post. Wow. That's talent. Kiprusoff Superstar talent.
Has he always loaded up the fake wrist shot like he did tonight. It's mad, because I make a mental note that the insane moves are coming, but my brain bites on each and every fake. Oh! He's just gonna wrister 'er! No! It's to the back hand and the goalie's covering... HOLY FUCK!
There are no fjords in Finland!!! Not even a one, he might be missin a sauna or something though...
I thought everyone knew that one.
More than anything, I'm kind of pissed about Stortini's goal not getting counted, because there's no real justification for it: a slow whistle is no reason to disallow a goal that's that obviously in the net. If nothing else, they should've gone upstairs. We got the two points, but there's no way the Queens should've even gotten one.
Also, whoever had "the second period of Game 2" down as the point where Pisani would start taking Stortini's job on the 16-14 line for the real work, collect your prize at Guest Services on your way out of the building tonight.
Andy: "Oh yes we have. Have you forgotten last year's playoffs?"
I'm not sure what you think hockey is, but Kipper's .929 sv% in the playoffs was amazing. Kipper stole virtually both games Calgary won in that series, and kept them in the game for the others.
I'm not sure what you think hockey is, but Kipper's .929 sv% in the playoffs was amazing. Kipper stole virtually both games Calgary won in that series, and kept them in the game for the others.
no one will take that away from him. he was the only one who actually showed up for the flames in the playoffs last year. oh wait, i forgot that ms. phaneuf showed up only to get treated like a two bit punk by cleary and bertuzzi.
No one can take away Jim Carey's Vezina Trophy either. I'm sure it keeps him nice and warm at night...
This isn't a slam vs Cosh or anything but who are all these people that try and take stuff away from other people?;)
I heard someone say that years ago and it's just stuck with me. I find it funny when guys always bring up these invisible ill-intentioned bogeymen.
As for Gagner, I was in love with him the first 10 games but now we're going through the stage in the relationship where I can see his bad parts;) I started getting turned off when he was putting up that minus streak during the home games and there was a time when his line was getting killed every night in terms of chances for/against. That's abated somewhat now they've broken up and and Cogliano, but still, outside of some nice little plays from 89 last night, he's an adventure.
Which is to be expected for an 18 year old kid but I hope that when Ethan Eric Daze Moreau gets back, the Oilers start picking their spots for Gagner. Spots like "never play him on the road againt a team that has two real lines."
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