Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'll take "OIL" for five-year plan, Alex

** Irreverent Oiler Fans has been pumping out some amazing stuff over the past few days. I can’t recommend it enough. Check out posts by RiversQ and Vic on Corsi numbers, Dan Hejda, taking the body, and defensive zone draws.
** A reality check via Mirtle: the Oilers have been the 11th best regular season team in the NHL since the league topped out at 30 franchises. The Flames are 15th. The only Canadian team not in the top fifteen, in fact, has been the Montreal Canadians. The Oilers will drop down this list by season end if current trends* hold, but the list is interesting because it illustrates how competitive the Oilers in fact were in the years leading up to the lockout. Which begs the question...
*injuries, atrocious powerplay, questionable coaching, general awfulness
** Mirtle (via Gabe Desjardins) also has a post up on special teams times so far this season. The Oilers aren’t drawing very many penalties this year* (11.0%, 28th in the NHL), but they aren’t taking many either (10.3%, 1st in the NHL). Any meaning to this beyond “really quick hockey games” and "fans happy to be released from misery before 10" is out of my reach. Others may have much brainier suggestions.
* I wrote this before Monday's game against the Wild
** Pat McLean dumbass* (Black Dog Hates Skunks) will be coming to Edmonton on the 23rd of November. He will be here for the weekend, in order to attend his very first Oilers game in Edmonton (poor SOB). He and I will be going to the Blackhawks game on the 24th (we could not be convinced to let the NHL and the Oilers support the troops with tickets we paid for). The plan also involves going to the Golden Bears hockey game versus UBC on the 23rd. Before, during and after those two games, I have the special responsibility of keeping Pat entertained and intoxicated. Anyone who wants to help me keep up my end of the bargain (I have no idea what his end entails) can say so in the comments, or email me.
*see comments
** Fifteen games in, and the Edmonton Oilers are in 15th place in the Western Conference, and 30th overall in the NHL. The good news is they've won five of those fifteen games. Last season, they only won two of their final twenty. We're already making progress, folks!
This team isn't very good right now... for a variety of reasons. But...
- 6 other teams still only have 5 wins.
- 11 other teams have 6 or less wins.
- 3 teams are tied with the Oilers at 10 pts, and 7 teams are within 2 pts.
I've mentioned this before, but outside of last night, the Oilers just haven't been taking all that many penalties this year. I failed to notice they were drawing so few, as well.
Just to finish on another point, where you say it's good because the games don't last as long, has anyone else noticed how the games are in fact lasting longer this year? First year out of the lockout, games were finished in 2:30 of less of actual time but I'd wager they're at least 8-10 min longer these days. Seems like they've given up the idea of the hurry up faceoff.
xcawfI'd agree Dennis - they are a bit longer, though still reasonable.
I used to watch a lot of NFL. Now having two little kids cuts back on the TV sports quite a bit but those games are running 3 1/2 plus and its all adtime - drives me nuts.
And then there's baseball. Every atbat is a marathon what with the scratching and guys stepping off the mound and out of the box.
Its one thing hockey has gotten right.
thats what I like about the Premier League. Games are over inside of two hours, and because of the constancy of the action, there are no ads, just those annoying side boards.
Sweet I'm coming in from Calgary to see that Blackhawks games as well. If you see me I probably won't be able to talk due to alcohol related brain damage though.
Standing room seats.
I think you have to take Pat to Edmonton's tallest bar: RATT.
It's like the CN Tower of the prairies Pat - have a blast.
I like getting the Brewsters sample tray of beers. If you end up doing that let me know. I have an art show on the 24th (everyone's welcome, there's even nakedness if that's what it takes to get you beer-swilling hockey fans out and about ;)...)
But like I say: beer sampler.
I used to work at RATT, and also do most of my drinking there, usually at the same time. Willy Lindstrom, Mike Krushelnyski and a couple other Oilers whose faces have receded from my sud-soaked memory came in one August, after skating at the U of A arena, so the place practically has Oil written all over it.
I'm going to Edmonton and I'm never coming back - tall bars, nudity and beer.
Sounds like an evening in my basement.
Without the tall bars.
As for my end of the bargain, Andy, I'll bring the stash and a certain, how do you say, je ne sais quoi?
Its McLean dumbass.
Never fails. No matter what, I always mess up someone's name on this site. It's fixed now.
I agree that a bunch of other teams stink, BigT, and the season is young. But do you see any reinforcements coming, and/or making that big a difference? I'm not upset about it. I knew it was going to be a rough year. It just doesn't make much sense to have spent all that money in the off-season, never mind giving up that pick to the Ducks, to be as bad as we were before spending that money.
I like getting the Brewsters sample tray of beers. If you end up doing that let me know. I have an art show on the 24th
Is that the Brewsters downtown? I could totally be down with that.
Agreed Andy.
I have to say that I honestly didn't think this team would be this bad and the injuries aren't helping obviously but the ninth pick overall for Penner, who I think may actually turn out fine, would be a lot better then the 1st overall.
And the Souray contract was, is and will be unforgivable.
What is frightening is that when Greene went down the Journal, I believe it was, said that the Oilers were down three of their best four Dmen.
And on last year's disaster there were two guys better then all three of these guys who are out. So where does that leave this squad?
Is that a brew pub?
When I was in Montreal this summer I wandered from brew pub to brew pub.
Now we're talking.
Yup. Back in the good old days it was a pleasure to get stupid drunk and smoke a nice tobacco in a good briar bowl.
Downtown Brewsters, absolutely. Gateway to trouble for youngish but aging dads.
Downtown Brewsters, absolutely. Gateway to trouble for youngish but aging dads.
I'd really like to take him to the piano bar on the southside, but it's in the middle of nowhere. Downtown is the best idea for the Saturday. Despite what the Journal says, the nightlife down there is pretty hopping right now. Older, more sophisticated crowd (read cougars), which I appreciate. And, despite what the Journal doesn't say, there's nothing at all to do around Rexall Place.
Bears hockey, eh?
I could be up for that.
A few years ago we were out there once every home week-end
Now, once or twice per year.
Keep the details flowin on that idea
That's when you do the RATT thing;
2 minutes from the game to the Tall Bar
It's probably because I'm kinda drunk and maudlin right now, but all this talk about local landmarks is making me miss Edmonton right now.
Hold me.
Pat, one of the things I miss about loving baseball as much as I did, is the tension that builds from a long at-bat. I'm a total worrywart when it comes to my teams so it was just pure torture when there were runners on and you were either rooting for or against a big hit. And I loved every minute of it:)
I'm not a big fan of the NHL going backwards on the hurry-up faceoff, though. I was a big fan of games finishing in 2:30 or less. But, yes, the NFL games are absolutely redicolous. It's gotten to the point where I can only watch games if the Titans are playing OR if it's a big matchup. I'll be all over the boxscores after the fact but there's just so many stoppages and there are so many channels to choose from.
And this isn't even mentioning the NBA, which is just glacial when it comes to the last two minutes and both teams have most of their timeouts left.
... there's nothing at all to do around Rexall Place.
Nonsense, Andy. You could go there to try and track down stolen property. Or you could go there to fight a ferrel dog. And that's just off the top of my head!
You could go there to try and track down stolen property
I've actually done that. About two blocks from Rexall.
Dennis - tension is good but I am thinking specifically of an atbat in the ALDS this season - I believe Hafner drove in the winner against the Yanks - I change the station and told my wife - just a minute - this could be the gaem.
It was ten minutes I think and it was just ridiculous.
Basketball - I don't even bother. partially for that reason.
If you guys have anything left in the tank after Brewsters, you might want to drop by Hudson's. Last week I ran into Fernando Pisani (shook his hand and wished him luck). The week before, Kevin Karius was drinkin' up a storm after a game.
That I'd like to see. You guys and Kevin Karius with about ten rounds in ya. See you in the emergency ward!
Global TV's sports guy. Real character. Andy and him would have some fun.
Not bag game tonight. Not bag at all.
Know what? These guys play like this every night and they'll make me a believer. Holy fuck Cogliano's fast.
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This team isn't very good right now... for a variety of reasons. But...
- 6 other teams still only have 5 wins.
- 11 other teams have 6 or less wins.
- 3 teams are tied with the Oilers at 10 pts, and 7 teams are within 2 pts.
I've mentioned this before, but outside of last night, the Oilers just haven't been taking all that many penalties this year. I failed to notice they were drawing so few, as well.
Just to finish on another point, where you say it's good because the games don't last as long, has anyone else noticed how the games are in fact lasting longer this year? First year out of the lockout, games were finished in 2:30 of less of actual time but I'd wager they're at least 8-10 min longer these days. Seems like they've given up the idea of the hurry up faceoff.
xcawfI'd agree Dennis - they are a bit longer, though still reasonable.
I used to watch a lot of NFL. Now having two little kids cuts back on the TV sports quite a bit but those games are running 3 1/2 plus and its all adtime - drives me nuts.
And then there's baseball. Every atbat is a marathon what with the scratching and guys stepping off the mound and out of the box.
Its one thing hockey has gotten right.
thats what I like about the Premier League. Games are over inside of two hours, and because of the constancy of the action, there are no ads, just those annoying side boards.
Sweet I'm coming in from Calgary to see that Blackhawks games as well. If you see me I probably won't be able to talk due to alcohol related brain damage though.
Standing room seats.
I think you have to take Pat to Edmonton's tallest bar: RATT.
It's like the CN Tower of the prairies Pat - have a blast.
I like getting the Brewsters sample tray of beers. If you end up doing that let me know. I have an art show on the 24th (everyone's welcome, there's even nakedness if that's what it takes to get you beer-swilling hockey fans out and about ;)...)
But like I say: beer sampler.
I used to work at RATT, and also do most of my drinking there, usually at the same time. Willy Lindstrom, Mike Krushelnyski and a couple other Oilers whose faces have receded from my sud-soaked memory came in one August, after skating at the U of A arena, so the place practically has Oil written all over it.
I'm going to Edmonton and I'm never coming back - tall bars, nudity and beer.
Sounds like an evening in my basement.
Without the tall bars.
As for my end of the bargain, Andy, I'll bring the stash and a certain, how do you say, je ne sais quoi?
Its McLean dumbass.
Never fails. No matter what, I always mess up someone's name on this site. It's fixed now.
I agree that a bunch of other teams stink, BigT, and the season is young. But do you see any reinforcements coming, and/or making that big a difference? I'm not upset about it. I knew it was going to be a rough year. It just doesn't make much sense to have spent all that money in the off-season, never mind giving up that pick to the Ducks, to be as bad as we were before spending that money.
I like getting the Brewsters sample tray of beers. If you end up doing that let me know. I have an art show on the 24th
Is that the Brewsters downtown? I could totally be down with that.
Agreed Andy.
I have to say that I honestly didn't think this team would be this bad and the injuries aren't helping obviously but the ninth pick overall for Penner, who I think may actually turn out fine, would be a lot better then the 1st overall.
And the Souray contract was, is and will be unforgivable.
What is frightening is that when Greene went down the Journal, I believe it was, said that the Oilers were down three of their best four Dmen.
And on last year's disaster there were two guys better then all three of these guys who are out. So where does that leave this squad?
Is that a brew pub?
When I was in Montreal this summer I wandered from brew pub to brew pub.
Now we're talking.
Yup. Back in the good old days it was a pleasure to get stupid drunk and smoke a nice tobacco in a good briar bowl.
Downtown Brewsters, absolutely. Gateway to trouble for youngish but aging dads.
Downtown Brewsters, absolutely. Gateway to trouble for youngish but aging dads.
I'd really like to take him to the piano bar on the southside, but it's in the middle of nowhere. Downtown is the best idea for the Saturday. Despite what the Journal says, the nightlife down there is pretty hopping right now. Older, more sophisticated crowd (read cougars), which I appreciate. And, despite what the Journal doesn't say, there's nothing at all to do around Rexall Place.
Bears hockey, eh?
I could be up for that.
A few years ago we were out there once every home week-end
Now, once or twice per year.
Keep the details flowin on that idea
That's when you do the RATT thing;
2 minutes from the game to the Tall Bar
It's probably because I'm kinda drunk and maudlin right now, but all this talk about local landmarks is making me miss Edmonton right now.
Hold me.
Pat, one of the things I miss about loving baseball as much as I did, is the tension that builds from a long at-bat. I'm a total worrywart when it comes to my teams so it was just pure torture when there were runners on and you were either rooting for or against a big hit. And I loved every minute of it:)
I'm not a big fan of the NHL going backwards on the hurry-up faceoff, though. I was a big fan of games finishing in 2:30 or less. But, yes, the NFL games are absolutely redicolous. It's gotten to the point where I can only watch games if the Titans are playing OR if it's a big matchup. I'll be all over the boxscores after the fact but there's just so many stoppages and there are so many channels to choose from.
And this isn't even mentioning the NBA, which is just glacial when it comes to the last two minutes and both teams have most of their timeouts left.
... there's nothing at all to do around Rexall Place.
Nonsense, Andy. You could go there to try and track down stolen property. Or you could go there to fight a ferrel dog. And that's just off the top of my head!
You could go there to try and track down stolen property
I've actually done that. About two blocks from Rexall.
Dennis - tension is good but I am thinking specifically of an atbat in the ALDS this season - I believe Hafner drove in the winner against the Yanks - I change the station and told my wife - just a minute - this could be the gaem.
It was ten minutes I think and it was just ridiculous.
Basketball - I don't even bother. partially for that reason.
If you guys have anything left in the tank after Brewsters, you might want to drop by Hudson's. Last week I ran into Fernando Pisani (shook his hand and wished him luck). The week before, Kevin Karius was drinkin' up a storm after a game.
That I'd like to see. You guys and Kevin Karius with about ten rounds in ya. See you in the emergency ward!
Global TV's sports guy. Real character. Andy and him would have some fun.
Not bag game tonight. Not bag at all.
Know what? These guys play like this every night and they'll make me a believer. Holy fuck Cogliano's fast.
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