Saturday, January 06, 2007


Don't Try This At Home

Anyone else discover Craig MacTavish's new webpage this weekend?

Will It Blend? That is the question.


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Best comment ever.

I'd buy a cell phone from this guy.

Is this some half-assed reference to line blending?


Is this some half-assed reference to line blending?

I wouldn't call it half-assed so much as brilliant, but yes.

Best comment ever.

I'd buy a cell phone from this guy.

Damn. I missed it. Must have been a doozy if Matt deleted it.

Yeah, sorry. It wasn't your run-of-the-mill spam (long, and a lot more references to Jesus than to pr0n), but it was spam all the same. Allan was being (mostly) sarcastic.

It was the longest comment I've ever seen. Probably about 2000 words if bizarre religious ranting, and misused academic jargon. Just epic.

And I love "Will it Blend?" The world is a better place for the efforts of these heroes.

Someone needs to stage an intervention with MacT to get him to stop blending. It's getting out of control. :)

Too bad I was at work and missed all the fun.

Go State!

Whenever I read about the Blender I immediately wonder if Maurice might have asked MacT for advice over the summer.

And everytime I see or hear the name Maurice I think about the Space Cowboy and the Ganster of Love.

Odd...I still post as anonymous even when I try not to...

Uni, I still can't hear his name and not think of that but it's become so second nature that I barely think about it.

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