Friday, November 10, 2006


Time flies

I can't believe it's been more than a dozen years since Sergei Fedorov won the Hart Trophy. Did you know that apart from Calder winners, there are only two active players in the NHL with "older" trophy wins than Fedorov? (Ed Belfour, Vezina in 91 & 93; Chelios, Norris in '89). Hell, there's only 3 Calder winners from before '94 that are still active. (It also kind of blows my mind that Joe Nieuwendyk has been in the league 3 years longer the Ed Belfour, aka Rich Uncle Skeleton).

Also, Martin Brodeur won the Calder Trophy the same year Fedorov won the Hart, and is presently only 5 wins back of the aforementioned Skeleton for 2nd-most in an NHL career.


Within the first 2 minutes, it's nice to see a good ol' Alberta welcome for he who shall not be named!

I feel old.

Thanks Matt!

Fedorov used to be exciting to watch. Now, nadda. What happened to him?

I just want to see a Leaf score 5 goals in a game to VTech has to shell out 1 million dollars haha.

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