Monday, November 06, 2006


Pour l'amour du hockey

Terrific article (en Francais) in La Presse today about hockey blogs. Eric McErlain -- who is noted and quoted in the piece, as well as Mirtle, Kukla, and Richardson -- calls it "the most accurate depiction of sports blogging I've read in a long time", and I'd agree.

Writer Jean-François Bégin notes, "En fait, il y a probablement autant de modèles qu'il y a de blogues consacrés au hockey." Roughly, this means every blog exists for its own reasons and to its own ends. Thank you. This is not news to people who actually read and enjoy hockey blogs, but it's always appreciated when we're characterized as something other than Bored Jackasses Making Up Trade Rumours And Trying To Get The Coach Fired.

Oh, and of course, this was my favourite part:
Petit à petit, ils sont en train de se faire une place, nichés entre les sites des médias traditionnels et les forums de discussion qui les ont précédés. Plusieurs sont animés par des fans- voyez par exemple Battle of Alberta (, où les partisans des Flames et des Oilers s'en donnent à coeur joie, sans grande prétention à l'objectivité.

I'd prefer to leave it to a more fluent Commenter to translate "s'en donnent à coeur joie", but this bit is substantially true and complimentary. Merci, M. Begin, well done.


The Google translation of the full story is here. I love the translation about Mirtle:

He works with the Earth and Mail, where he quietly makes his classes with the desk of the sports, while writing time with other on the university sport.

Thanks Cosh. I knew that's what it meant roughly, but didn't know how to put it. Good link.

I've got full English translations of both articles up now on my site.

(And the Earth and Mail was where I interned... damn geology publications.)

From another site on teh Intarweb:

Dans la langue française, « à cœur joie » est une expression qui signifie « avec délectation, jusqu’à satiété »

Roughly translated, 'a cœur joie' means you people meet here to discuss line combinations over a snifter of delectable Courvoisier, until you're all fully satiated. Courvoisier's just an assumption on my part. It's entirely possible that the phrase "950 of Wildcat strong" could be used interchangeably.

Sound fair?

I think the way we use the expression "s'en donner à coeur joie" in everyday speech is pretty much equivalent to "having a blast"...

In case any fellow Habs fans are ducking in here in anticipation of Tuesday's game, I thought I'd mention that the Canadiens blogosphere is not quite as small as La Presse suggests (though the depth of analysis does not quite compare to the mighty Oilogosphere).

In addition to the incomparable Sisu, there are hockeyspot and multizones in French, and the ironically titled Weekly Habits in English.

Best name goes to the rarely updated Du hockey plein la gueule, which I'll leave to the crack translating team to decipher.

Finally, Montreal Canadiens season data isn't a blog per se, but it is indispensable for the budding Bill Jameses of the hockey world.

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