Wednesday, January 18, 2006


This is just a test - read only if you have lots of time to waste.

Wow. It looks like you can include videos right into blogger now.


Maybe we should put that Flames "Red Hot" video on a constant loop.

This is the end of the test.


Jesus, that didn't take you long. I just came over from posting that mofo.

Hey, the Alternate Universe Oilers have Chris Phillips! Love that guy. I'm glad the Thornton thing didn't happen though.

I don't need to add that the orange-and-blue throwbacks are awesome.

Hey, how the hell did you do that?

I think I got it. You just have to use Google video, right?

By the way, is your prof seriously prepared to contend that if Alberta holds a Senate election, and Zarley Zalapski wins, it is constitutional for the Prime Minister to then request the appointment of any qualified Albertan but Zarley Zalapski? Because that's the upshot of that argument, and I can't possibly count how many different species of mammal it blows.

Yep. Google video and then just cut and paste the code.

I think there is another way too if you mess around with the template code. But that seemed way to confusing to me.

By the way, I wasn't using Zalapski as a casual example. He should totally be up in that bitch.

Alternate Universe Oilers Keith Primeau is a stud. The real Keith Primeau might take three seasons to score as many goals as he did in that highlight package.

I don't think Harper's plan is to just appoint Senator's that the provinces elect, is it?

And can you honestly say that you would take Zalapski over Bret Hart? Hand to face, Cosh. The Excellence of Execution totally belongs in the Red Chamber before Zalapski. And what about The Fast Freight from Mississippi State?

Yeah, because we need another guy from the '50s Eskimos backfield in charge of shit.

Harper's plan, as I understand it, is exactly that--to appoint senators that provinces elect, if they choose to elect them. The ones like Quebec, who supposedly don't want to hold elections, will presumably have to live with Harper's choices.

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