Monday, November 21, 2005


Razor really does have an Edge

The bl*g appears to be a medium made for Darryl Reaugh. On inexperienced officials learning as they go:
It's the Seven Dwarfs School of refereeing. They whistle while they work.

Not hockey related, but I still laughed:
I bought a Dyson vacuum. At $440 this thing had better suck.

On his visit to Disneyland:
Snow White could stand to lose a couple pounds...I think Cinderella hit on me. (very uncomfortable)...I think Disney is missing a real opportunity by having very little in the way of merchandising available for sale...I found the Fairy Godmother to be a little bitchy...

And on a marginally more serious and hockey-related note, check out What Worries Me (really).


Yeah, the material that Reaugh's been putting up lately has been hilarious.

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