Saturday, November 05, 2005


Flames Game Night

The Canucks are in town! Now probably the Flames' biggest rivals, considering the overwhelming one-sidedness of recent history with the puds up north. (Also, unlike Edmonton, when Calgary absolutely had to beat Vancouver to extend their season, they did).

I've mentioned before that winning the Vancouver series was my most satisfying moment of the 2004 playoffs. The Flames were absolutely full value for the series win, and generally carried the play throughout the seven games (pace Greg Millen).

That said, I confess that I didn't really watch Game 3 of the series, as something happened in the 1st intermission:

You see, however briefly, I was the proud papa of the world's youngest Flames fan:

The Canucks went up two games to one on Josh's birthday; they never trailed a series again until Dave Andreychuk was hoisting the Cup. Good times--I anticipate them rolling on tonight. Go Flames.


Congrats Matt, but the 'nucks are still gonna win.

I'm guessing 3-2.

OK, the tots are obviously off-limits, but can we goof on Matt's same-sex life partner? I need a ruling here.

Anyone have the number of Cosh's hairdresser? I'll accept that ruling.

Watching the game, some observations:

1) Chris Cuthbert and Greg Millen seem inordinately interested in Todd Bertuzzi and his fragile psyche.

2) Nice to see Rexall isn't the only place in North America playing "Cotton Eyed Joe" during stoppages of play.

3) Um, anyone else planning to watch "Waking Wally: The Walter Gretzky Story"? If it's up to the standard of CBC's "Trudeau: Maverick in the Making" I'm sure it will be hilarious.

er, I meant Jum Hughson and Greg Millen

Good to see the Iginla v. Ohlund matchup again. I'll have more on it in the wrapup, but that really was a key to the evenness, AND the eventual Flames win, of that playoff series.

And if that was a "dive" by Craig Macdonald, I'm Li Xing.

If I check my wallet tomorrow and it says my name is Li Xing, then I'll be watching Waking Wally. Otherwise, no. (But I expect a review at CinO).

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