Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Did you know certain cuts of pork are as lean as chicken?

This media release from the Flames should be dated April 1st, shouldn't it?


Called “Pork Sports,” the new marketing program from Alberta Pork is a broad one, designed to build relationships with a range of sports audiences. The Flames hockey agreement involves prominent signage at hockey games, major contests on the Alberta Pork Web site www.albertapork.ca and extended opportunities for pork products in the concession areas at sporting events. Pork Sports also involves other initiatives such as new retail efforts for reaching into and supporting the community at a local level.

To be clear, I have no problem with this voluntary arrangement, and I'm always delighted to have more pork choices at the concession. I just think it's the worst name ever for a marketing program. Also, this is a strange quote to find in a media release from a professional sports team:
"Pork is a high quality, lean protein source that meets the nutritional needs of athletes and their fans..."

Don't forget delicious! Enter to win free tickets to a Flames or Oilers game (c/w guided arena tour and autographed sweater) here.


Not to be outdone, the Oil have the same thing.

If you think that slogan is bad, consider that it could have been worse.

Entering the contest takes less than two minutes; I encourage all our readers to give it a shot.

Well yanno, I would have signed up for it--but since I don't live in Alberta I'm kinda S O L.

You mean we have readers from outside Alberta?

At least as far away as Kenora, Ont.

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