Thursday, November 10, 2005


Come freeze your nuts off, spend money.

If you thought "Pork Sports" was a bad monkier, how about the City of Edmonton's new tourism campaign . . . wait for it . . . . It's Cooler Here!

An obvious play on our fridgid temperatures and our . . . chilly hotel packages?

Do kids these days still use the word cool? I thought everything was "sick".

Besides, I don't know what was wrong with our old slogan: Nunc Nostra Patientia Pro Exremento Nihilum Est.


Do kids these days still use the word cool? I thought everything was "sick".

Come to Edmonton, the sicker here? It's that damn bird flu!

Best city slogan of all time has to be the one created on the Simpsons. "Winnipeg: we were born here, what's your excuse?"


As for Edmonton, if they were going to use "cool" they should have stuck with my suggested slogan "Edmonton: your mom says its cool"

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