Tuesday, August 19, 2008
**Man, what it would have been like to be at the triathlon venue when that pack of four guys came in front of the grandstand, neck-and-neck with maybe 300m to go -- when any one of them could have won gold, or nothing. I think if I was there and actually had a stake in it (friend or family), I might have had a heart attack. As it was, I was bouncing up and down in my chair and yelling ("Go! GOO!"), while at the same time just shaking my head at the physical capacity of those guys.
Besides the obvious, the highlight for me would have to be when, after calling the finish of the majority of the field, the broadcast crew threw it back to Ron Maclean, and he said something about the "incredible expertise" of analyst Barrie Shepley...
Bwaaahhh-hahaha. Look, I've been "angrier", or more exasperated, with a colour commentator in my life, but has there ever been one who was more wrong more times than that dude was last night? Every time he predicted what was about to transpire, the exact opposite thing happened. And not only that, but he couldn't even accurately describe what was going on in front of our eyes!
Whitfield indeed started to lose touch a handful of times, but in each case, Shepley sombrely pointed it out after Whitfield had subsequently made back half the gap, or more. And his assessments of who looked comfortable (and uncomfortable) in the run were laughable... cripes, dude, when an athlete's head is cricked and moving around like he's a Butabi brother, he's struggling!
**How about that Nastia Liukin? That bitchy facial expression she wore most of the time is just fantastic. She looks like an early favourite for the cast of Mean Girls 2, although particularly with that name, I can also see her glaring into a POV camera saying naughty things.
**Might as well finish this month's quota of Objectifying Women out of the way now... I can't get quite as excited about women's beach volleyball as some do. Yes, the athletes are extremely fit, but even the ones who aren't flat-chested are mostly butterfaces. That said, I think Misty May's backside is pretty much perfection. Also, I think it's oddly charming that beach volleyball players have "jersey numbers", but they only have 2 choices. (Well, one of them does.)

**Great to see Warren Cheswick lookalike Alexandre Despatie win the silver this morning. Also, I have quite enjoyed 2000 medallist Anne Montminy as the analyst alongside Steve Armitage ("That was a-maay-zing, Steve!"). Armitage teases her a bit for predicting 10s when none come, but the fact is that she nails the general quality of every dive at first glance, so there's never any shock when the judges' scores pop up. Surely this is the most critical skill of anyone who might sit in that seat.
**And this may be hard to believe for anyone who has read the comments here over the past week or so, but there is a bigger armchair Olympian than P-Ow (btw, check out his site, he's got lots to say).
The legendary Crazy Canuck Jungle Jim Hunter has been the guest Olympics analyst on the FAN960 every afternoon, and while his anecdotes have been occasionally enjoyable, he has improbably managed to combine the worst elements of motivational speaking and sports analysis.
He is just all over the place. At times he'll praise to high heavens an athlete's comments about controlling what they can control; the remainder of the time, he seems intent on convincing us that being better than everyone else with identical aims is one of those things. It's brain-hurting.
**This evening:
Besides the obvious, the highlight for me would have to be when, after calling the finish of the majority of the field, the broadcast crew threw it back to Ron Maclean, and he said something about the "incredible expertise" of analyst Barrie Shepley...
Bwaaahhh-hahaha. Look, I've been "angrier", or more exasperated, with a colour commentator in my life, but has there ever been one who was more wrong more times than that dude was last night? Every time he predicted what was about to transpire, the exact opposite thing happened. And not only that, but he couldn't even accurately describe what was going on in front of our eyes!
Whitfield indeed started to lose touch a handful of times, but in each case, Shepley sombrely pointed it out after Whitfield had subsequently made back half the gap, or more. And his assessments of who looked comfortable (and uncomfortable) in the run were laughable... cripes, dude, when an athlete's head is cricked and moving around like he's a Butabi brother, he's struggling!
**How about that Nastia Liukin? That bitchy facial expression she wore most of the time is just fantastic. She looks like an early favourite for the cast of Mean Girls 2, although particularly with that name, I can also see her glaring into a POV camera saying naughty things.
**Might as well finish this month's quota of Objectifying Women out of the way now... I can't get quite as excited about women's beach volleyball as some do. Yes, the athletes are extremely fit, but even the ones who aren't flat-chested are mostly butterfaces. That said, I think Misty May's backside is pretty much perfection. Also, I think it's oddly charming that beach volleyball players have "jersey numbers", but they only have 2 choices. (Well, one of them does.)

**And this may be hard to believe for anyone who has read the comments here over the past week or so, but there is a bigger armchair Olympian than P-Ow (btw, check out his site, he's got lots to say).
The legendary Crazy Canuck Jungle Jim Hunter has been the guest Olympics analyst on the FAN960 every afternoon, and while his anecdotes have been occasionally enjoyable, he has improbably managed to combine the worst elements of motivational speaking and sports analysis.
He is just all over the place. At times he'll praise to high heavens an athlete's comments about controlling what they can control; the remainder of the time, he seems intent on convincing us that being better than everyone else with identical aims is one of those things. It's brain-hurting.
**This evening:
- Canada vs. Australia playing the 3v4 game (apparently Canadian curling and Olympic women's softball are the only events that use the page playoff system) at 10PM MT
- Medal hopeful Ivett Gonda starts the taekwondo playdowns at 745PM MT
- Finally! Olympic BMX! Men's prelims start at 7PM MT, women's at 745PM. SI tabbed Canadian Samantha Cools for the women's silver; the host site mentions six others, but not Ms. Cools
- And, there's no Canadians in it, but at 7PM MT, 25 presumably insane women will begin the open water swim marathon. At 10km, it's five times the length of the rowing course, and in fact is being contested at the same venue. My sympathies, ladies.
...he has improbably managed to combine the worst elements of motivational speaking and sports analysis.
Spot on. I caught about 10 minutes of Jungle Jim a few days ago and found him excruciating. I haven't bothered to turn the fan on since.
Since we're objectifying, how about Isinbayeva, the Russian pole vaulter chick? My god did she look amazing last night, while breaking her own world record no less.
Also, I was doing pretty much the same thing watching the end of the triathlon last night. Just sitting on my bed screaming "Go! Go!" at the TV. Woke my 17 month old daugher up, whoops...
I still can't believe the surge that guy made to beat Whitfield, I thought Whitfield would have crushed all their spirits when he went past them. Amazing.
Since we're objectifying, how about Isinbayeva, the Russian pole vaulter chick? My god did she look amazing last night, while breaking her own world record no less.
She can vault my pole any day.
What? We were all thinking it.
10 km. that's crazy. i can't even imagine trying it. i swam 1km during my holdiays and promptly spent the rest of the day either sleeping or eating.
I think that triathlon was just about the most dramatic race I've ever seen. I don't think I could have been prouder of the guy.
I think that triathlon was just about the most dramatic race I've ever seen.
Nothing will ever beat 1996 for me. The 100m, the 4x100, beating the Americans on their home turf, putting aside the internal squabbles, finally putting aside the Ben Johnson scandal...whoo, I get goose-bumps even now. And when you throw in Bailey destroying Michael Johnson in the 150m a year later, which started in Atlanta, and ended with Johnson faking an injury...too sweet.
...I just found my event to hate on. Taekwando.
What the fuck was that? "three judges have to agree that a point has been scored" That's fucking bullshit.
Just heard about the Canadian protest of the judging however. It's not going to happen, but at least someone else saw something was seriously fucking wrong.
I think it's oddly charming that beach volleyball players have "jersey numbers", but they only have 2 choices.
Sounds like Bruins training camp.
Dorito, they do that with all of the contact sports. Boxing is 3/5, Wrestling is 2/3, etc. Tae Kwon Do and judo would be no different. Can you suggest a better method?
I used to do tae kwon do when I was a kid. We practice-sparred, but didn't have real equipment until the last year or two I was there. Never went to any competitions, myself, but apparently our people picked up a few medals at regional junior events, which was something.
As for the judging, I don't remember the rules being terribly complicated, not like wrestling, for instance. It seemed to mostly be about landing kicks to the chest, side, and head; you could punch, too, but I don't think you could point off it (maybe if you hit the head; certainly not the chest).
Forget beach volleyball for objectifying women, try regular old volleyball. The Italian team has an athlete that must be 6'2" and she is as gorgeous as she is tall. Number 12, check her out.
"Dorito, they do that with all of the contact sports. Boxing is 3/5, Wrestling is 2/3, etc. Tae Kwon Do and judo would be no different. Can you suggest a better method?"
Pressure sensors in the scoring areas. Other sports have gone high-tech (video replays, spot-shot cameras, et. al.), why not sports where you need to hit a target area? Takes human error out of the equation, which I'm very certain happened this time. I was practically yelling at the tv watching the event. I counted at least 4 solid shots to the body that got through the Swede's guard, not to mention a nice head-shot.
Pressure sensors won't work because they would still go off if there were a partial block (or if an athlete's hands were driven into their own sensor with a kick or anything like that). This isn't a sport like fencing where if you get hit, you're stabbed with a sword, so it counts. You can't just use a blanket pressure-sensitive system in a sport where not every blow should be counted as a hit, and setting a specific PSI limit would do nothing but favour those who hit harder to begin with (as opposed to those who actually score with softer hits).
It's frustrating when something like this happens, but you just have to live with it sometimes because we don't have the technology to do it somehow else right now. I would support some sort of instant replay system, though I'm sure that would throw everyone into a tizzy.
Nastia is already in the movie Stick It. It's almost like Mean Girls with gymnastics. Also, Jeff Bridges is in it. That alone should make you want to download the movie.
Whoa. The Americans just dropped the baton in the men's 4x100m. Forget Canadian performance in the Olympics. The Americans poor performance in track & field is the story.
Nothing will ever beat 1996 for me. The 100m, the 4x100, beating the Americans on their home turf, putting aside the internal squabbles, finally putting aside the Ben Johnson scandal...whoo, I get goose-bumps even now. And when you throw in Bailey destroying Michael Johnson in the 150m a year later, which started in Atlanta, and ended with Johnson faking an injury...too sweet.
That's a good call, Bailey in the 100 was pretty awesome too because he didn't even get off to a great start. I just found that damn triathlon amazing because somehow 2 straight hours of racing came down to a come from behind victory with 400 meters to go.
Allow me to add Leryn Franco to the list of H-O-T Olympians.
Paraguayan Javelin thrower and flag-bearer.
I'd post a link to a pic but you are better off just doing a google image search then phoning in sick to work.
First of all, any list of hot athletes that places Maria Sharapova 47th is a bogus list. Ranking ahead of her, on the same page, there seems to be a 13 year old girl, Marvin the marsian, a 45 year old German housewife, and an excellent endorsement for British Dentistry Association.
One angle of these Olympics that isn't getting enough attention are the crappy CBC TV promos that come on every time you bat an eyelash.
I mean, how many people are going to watch a sweaty 4x100m relay and say "wow, that Heartland sure looks like a good show!" Zero? Negative zero?
I mostly agree Lord Bob, but it was a fucking smart tie-in to bump up the number of commercials during the equestrian coverage; or maybe it just seemed that way because I watched horses jump for two hours after having been up all night watching kayaking and rowing.
So, anyone else wondering if Taekwando gets dropped from the Olympics? Horrible officiating in many events, leading to a judge getting KICKED IN THE HEAD!
"Horrible officiating in many events, leading to a judge getting KICKED IN THE HEAD! "
Not only that, but afterward the athlete complained that the judges didn't give him the 2 points he deserved for the headshot. =P
"Allow me to add Leryn Franco to the list of H-O-T Olympians.
Paraguayan Javelin thrower and flag-bearer."
And she's now already linked to tennis star Novak Djokovic. They apparently met in Olympic Village.
Coming into this very late, but I was in the stands at the Olympic triathlon, about 40 meters from the finish line, leaning over the rail. We had a flag for Simon to carry in, but a) he was running too fast, and b) we were busy losing our shit.
A fantastic thing to see live.
(法新社倫敦四日電) 英國情色大亨芮孟的成人公司昨天說色情,芮孟a片下載日前部落格去世,享壽八十二歲;成人網站這位身價上億的房地產開情色電影發商,曾經a片在倫敦推出av女優第色情一場脫色情衣舞情色表演。
(法新社a倫敦二B十WE四日電) 「情色二零零七」情趣產品大產自二十三日起在色情影片倫敦的肯辛頓成人電影奧林匹亞展覽館成人影片舉行,倫敦人擺脫對性A片下載的保守態度踴躍參觀,許成人網站多穿皮衣與塑膠緊身衣的好色之徒擠進這項世界規模最大的成人生活展,估計三天展期可吸引八萬多好奇民眾參觀。
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...he has improbably managed to combine the worst elements of motivational speaking and sports analysis.
Spot on. I caught about 10 minutes of Jungle Jim a few days ago and found him excruciating. I haven't bothered to turn the fan on since.
Since we're objectifying, how about Isinbayeva, the Russian pole vaulter chick? My god did she look amazing last night, while breaking her own world record no less.
Also, I was doing pretty much the same thing watching the end of the triathlon last night. Just sitting on my bed screaming "Go! Go!" at the TV. Woke my 17 month old daugher up, whoops...
I still can't believe the surge that guy made to beat Whitfield, I thought Whitfield would have crushed all their spirits when he went past them. Amazing.
Since we're objectifying, how about Isinbayeva, the Russian pole vaulter chick? My god did she look amazing last night, while breaking her own world record no less.
She can vault my pole any day.
What? We were all thinking it.
10 km. that's crazy. i can't even imagine trying it. i swam 1km during my holdiays and promptly spent the rest of the day either sleeping or eating.
I think that triathlon was just about the most dramatic race I've ever seen. I don't think I could have been prouder of the guy.
I think that triathlon was just about the most dramatic race I've ever seen.
Nothing will ever beat 1996 for me. The 100m, the 4x100, beating the Americans on their home turf, putting aside the internal squabbles, finally putting aside the Ben Johnson scandal...whoo, I get goose-bumps even now. And when you throw in Bailey destroying Michael Johnson in the 150m a year later, which started in Atlanta, and ended with Johnson faking an injury...too sweet.
...I just found my event to hate on. Taekwando.
What the fuck was that? "three judges have to agree that a point has been scored" That's fucking bullshit.
Just heard about the Canadian protest of the judging however. It's not going to happen, but at least someone else saw something was seriously fucking wrong.
I think it's oddly charming that beach volleyball players have "jersey numbers", but they only have 2 choices.
Sounds like Bruins training camp.
Dorito, they do that with all of the contact sports. Boxing is 3/5, Wrestling is 2/3, etc. Tae Kwon Do and judo would be no different. Can you suggest a better method?
I used to do tae kwon do when I was a kid. We practice-sparred, but didn't have real equipment until the last year or two I was there. Never went to any competitions, myself, but apparently our people picked up a few medals at regional junior events, which was something.
As for the judging, I don't remember the rules being terribly complicated, not like wrestling, for instance. It seemed to mostly be about landing kicks to the chest, side, and head; you could punch, too, but I don't think you could point off it (maybe if you hit the head; certainly not the chest).
Forget beach volleyball for objectifying women, try regular old volleyball. The Italian team has an athlete that must be 6'2" and she is as gorgeous as she is tall. Number 12, check her out.
"Dorito, they do that with all of the contact sports. Boxing is 3/5, Wrestling is 2/3, etc. Tae Kwon Do and judo would be no different. Can you suggest a better method?"
Pressure sensors in the scoring areas. Other sports have gone high-tech (video replays, spot-shot cameras, et. al.), why not sports where you need to hit a target area? Takes human error out of the equation, which I'm very certain happened this time. I was practically yelling at the tv watching the event. I counted at least 4 solid shots to the body that got through the Swede's guard, not to mention a nice head-shot.
Pressure sensors won't work because they would still go off if there were a partial block (or if an athlete's hands were driven into their own sensor with a kick or anything like that). This isn't a sport like fencing where if you get hit, you're stabbed with a sword, so it counts. You can't just use a blanket pressure-sensitive system in a sport where not every blow should be counted as a hit, and setting a specific PSI limit would do nothing but favour those who hit harder to begin with (as opposed to those who actually score with softer hits).
It's frustrating when something like this happens, but you just have to live with it sometimes because we don't have the technology to do it somehow else right now. I would support some sort of instant replay system, though I'm sure that would throw everyone into a tizzy.
Nastia is already in the movie Stick It. It's almost like Mean Girls with gymnastics. Also, Jeff Bridges is in it. That alone should make you want to download the movie.
Whoa. The Americans just dropped the baton in the men's 4x100m. Forget Canadian performance in the Olympics. The Americans poor performance in track & field is the story.
Nothing will ever beat 1996 for me. The 100m, the 4x100, beating the Americans on their home turf, putting aside the internal squabbles, finally putting aside the Ben Johnson scandal...whoo, I get goose-bumps even now. And when you throw in Bailey destroying Michael Johnson in the 150m a year later, which started in Atlanta, and ended with Johnson faking an injury...too sweet.
That's a good call, Bailey in the 100 was pretty awesome too because he didn't even get off to a great start. I just found that damn triathlon amazing because somehow 2 straight hours of racing came down to a come from behind victory with 400 meters to go.
Allow me to add Leryn Franco to the list of H-O-T Olympians.
Paraguayan Javelin thrower and flag-bearer.
I'd post a link to a pic but you are better off just doing a google image search then phoning in sick to work.
First of all, any list of hot athletes that places Maria Sharapova 47th is a bogus list. Ranking ahead of her, on the same page, there seems to be a 13 year old girl, Marvin the marsian, a 45 year old German housewife, and an excellent endorsement for British Dentistry Association.
One angle of these Olympics that isn't getting enough attention are the crappy CBC TV promos that come on every time you bat an eyelash.
I mean, how many people are going to watch a sweaty 4x100m relay and say "wow, that Heartland sure looks like a good show!" Zero? Negative zero?
I mostly agree Lord Bob, but it was a fucking smart tie-in to bump up the number of commercials during the equestrian coverage; or maybe it just seemed that way because I watched horses jump for two hours after having been up all night watching kayaking and rowing.
So, anyone else wondering if Taekwando gets dropped from the Olympics? Horrible officiating in many events, leading to a judge getting KICKED IN THE HEAD!
"Horrible officiating in many events, leading to a judge getting KICKED IN THE HEAD! "
Not only that, but afterward the athlete complained that the judges didn't give him the 2 points he deserved for the headshot. =P
"Allow me to add Leryn Franco to the list of H-O-T Olympians.
Paraguayan Javelin thrower and flag-bearer."
And she's now already linked to tennis star Novak Djokovic. They apparently met in Olympic Village.
Coming into this very late, but I was in the stands at the Olympic triathlon, about 40 meters from the finish line, leaning over the rail. We had a flag for Simon to carry in, but a) he was running too fast, and b) we were busy losing our shit.
A fantastic thing to see live.
(法新社倫敦四日電) 英國情色大亨芮孟的成人公司昨天說色情,芮孟a片下載日前部落格去世,享壽八十二歲;成人網站這位身價上億的房地產開情色電影發商,曾經a片在倫敦推出av女優第色情一場脫色情衣舞情色表演。
(法新社a倫敦二B十WE四日電) 「情色二零零七」情趣產品大產自二十三日起在色情影片倫敦的肯辛頓成人電影奧林匹亞展覽館成人影片舉行,倫敦人擺脫對性A片下載的保守態度踴躍參觀,許成人網站多穿皮衣與塑膠緊身衣的好色之徒擠進這項世界規模最大的成人生活展,估計三天展期可吸引八萬多好奇民眾參觀。
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