Thursday, March 01, 2007
Trickster or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Ken Linseman

Loyal Battle of Alberta reader and street hockey baller Aaron Paquette is putting on an art show, and I thought I'd pass along the information to everyone. As Aaron so wonderfully put it, "I know BoA is beer and hockey, but since I like both those things AND art, maybe some others will, too?" Yup, and it's not like we're getting any art out of the Edmonton Oilers this season, right? We might as well support the real thing.
New works by Aaron Paquette
Date: March 3 - March 15, 2007
Location: Bearclaw Gallery, 124st - 104ave
And this additional note from Aaron:
"I'll be there on opening day, Saturday (March 3), from about 2-4 to answer questions, explain, justify, and generally endure the nervous sweat that will cover my body as people judge my work, and by"
Best of luck, Aaaron. I hope you sells all kinds of those thingamajingies.
Comments: that a human heart on the wall behind the bird?
Also, I've never been to an art show, but they'd be better if the show itself was theatre. Aaron says he's going to standing there sweating? To hell with that. He should enter to "Rock You Like A Hurricane". And wear a cape.
Cool painting (painting?) though.
If that's a human heart, I can guess who it probably belongs to.
This too shall pass, guys.
Good luck on the show!
Nice painting, I don't no shit about art but I know what I like. Is there an Oiler logo buried in there somewhere? I see the L for Losers which the team has turned into since the departure of the Mullet Man. I can now focus my attention on my anyone but the Ducks campaign. I need a new sport the Oilers have gutted me once again. The painting reminds me more "Heart Shaped Box" therefore some ratty flannel is in order.
I bid 2 Oiler Jersey's and Oiler Can holder for the painting.
Congrats on the show, Aaron. Now, how about that Smyth trade?
Anybody read the Edmonton (Investors Group) Journal editorial today?
The silver lining of the Smyth trade is that it signals to everyone -- players, agents, other teams and fans -- that the bad old days of impulse-buying of free agents and spiraling salaries are done, at least under this current collective bargaining agreement.
Uh? What? Do these assholes think we're all retarded? Or that we don't remember things like Chara's five-year $37.5 million deal with the B's and other ridonkulous UFA deals of late?
Smyth will get his $5.5-6M this summer. The cap is going up. Free agents will continue to grab crazy money from teams willing to spend to the cap (which is and will remain a lot higher than the self-imposed cap the EIG has given Lowe to rebuild this team back into a solid contender for 8th place in the West). For those reasons and others (no one is coming here for the weather)it's going to be very difficult to attract quality UFAs to this town and team. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd think the Journal had a vested interest in keeping things sweet for the team...
Eagerly awaiting. Also, John MacKinnon's piece left me sputtering with rage. See, turns out that all the people calling the upcoming draft a weak one for talent are wrong because, according to both the Oilers' Howson and the head of NHL Central Scouting, this draft is so even that the 75th pick could be as good as one of the top 20. Keep in mind, this damning-with-faint-praise is supposed to make us feel stoked about the Oilers' prospects. Fuck, they do think we're retarded.
Thanks for the shout out, Andy!
It's too late now (logistically) for the Big Entrance, but I promise, I'll get it done for the next show.
Should I wear leotards?
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<< Home that a human heart on the wall behind the bird?
Also, I've never been to an art show, but they'd be better if the show itself was theatre. Aaron says he's going to standing there sweating? To hell with that. He should enter to "Rock You Like A Hurricane". And wear a cape.
Cool painting (painting?) though.
If that's a human heart, I can guess who it probably belongs to.
This too shall pass, guys.
Good luck on the show!
Nice painting, I don't no shit about art but I know what I like. Is there an Oiler logo buried in there somewhere? I see the L for Losers which the team has turned into since the departure of the Mullet Man. I can now focus my attention on my anyone but the Ducks campaign. I need a new sport the Oilers have gutted me once again. The painting reminds me more "Heart Shaped Box" therefore some ratty flannel is in order.
I bid 2 Oiler Jersey's and Oiler Can holder for the painting.
Congrats on the show, Aaron. Now, how about that Smyth trade?
Anybody read the Edmonton (Investors Group) Journal editorial today?
The silver lining of the Smyth trade is that it signals to everyone -- players, agents, other teams and fans -- that the bad old days of impulse-buying of free agents and spiraling salaries are done, at least under this current collective bargaining agreement.
Uh? What? Do these assholes think we're all retarded? Or that we don't remember things like Chara's five-year $37.5 million deal with the B's and other ridonkulous UFA deals of late?
Smyth will get his $5.5-6M this summer. The cap is going up. Free agents will continue to grab crazy money from teams willing to spend to the cap (which is and will remain a lot higher than the self-imposed cap the EIG has given Lowe to rebuild this team back into a solid contender for 8th place in the West). For those reasons and others (no one is coming here for the weather)it's going to be very difficult to attract quality UFAs to this town and team. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd think the Journal had a vested interest in keeping things sweet for the team...
Eagerly awaiting. Also, John MacKinnon's piece left me sputtering with rage. See, turns out that all the people calling the upcoming draft a weak one for talent are wrong because, according to both the Oilers' Howson and the head of NHL Central Scouting, this draft is so even that the 75th pick could be as good as one of the top 20. Keep in mind, this damning-with-faint-praise is supposed to make us feel stoked about the Oilers' prospects. Fuck, they do think we're retarded.
Thanks for the shout out, Andy!
It's too late now (logistically) for the Big Entrance, but I promise, I'll get it done for the next show.
Should I wear leotards?
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