Sunday, December 24, 2006


Christmas Treats


Merry Christmas. Shitter's full.

Merry Christmas?

I don't understand why it is a question.

Merry Christmas Oliogosphere... and flamers too I suppose. Thanks to my lovely other for the Oilers toque, bottle opener, mouse AND LUNCHBOX WOOO!

Merry Christmas Oilers and Flames fans alike. It wouldn't be as fun if we couldn't point and laugh.

My Christmas presents kick all of your presents' asses. I'll find a way to post pictures at some point.

Okay, uploaded and posted. Santa is an Oilers fan, and I have the proof.

I don't know, I thought it'd be fun to try a question mark once in a while, maybe I was greeting in Spanish. I don't need to explain myself!

Very nice, Doogie. Discontinuing the McFarlane jersey, eh? Too bad, as I love that jersey. But going back to the original one is a fine choice, so who am I to complain?

Very nice, Doogie. Discontinuing the McFarlane jersey, eh? Too bad, as I love that jersey. But going back to the original one is a fine choice, so who am I to complain?

I have yet to hear anything official that the McFarlane jersey is being discontinued. I know Matheson reported that the classic will be used four times after the All-Star break -- he never said if it was in lieu of or in addition to McFarlane -- but everything else is just rumours, albeit persistent ones, from various jersey retailers.

No WJC game day post?

Oh dear goodness me. That Star Wars special is classic hahahahaha.

This is late, but Merry Christmas to everybody at BoA :P

I watched a little bit TOO much family guy on Christmas...somehow it didn't seem very appropriate but whatever.

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