
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Battle of Alberta is Back, Baby!

Tap tap.  Is this mic on?  Hello?  Hello?

Look, when Fenwick and I started this blog way back on the eve of the 2005-06 season, we were cautiously optimistic that the Battle of Alberta might be meaningful again after a 15 year hiatus. And it almost played out perfectly until the Flames cocked it up against the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim in the first round. Turns out that was a blessing since the Flames fans didn't really want another playoff run anyway (nope, I am never going to let that one go. Never). Little did we know that it would take another 16 years for it to finally happen. Li'l Miss Sacababy, who was born that very spring (on the morning of a Battle of Alberta, no less) is now legally allowed to drive. Yeesh.  

Anyway, as a refresher for those of you who were still in short pants, the 8th seeded Oil put together a heater that was an awful lot of fun to watch. Hometown hero Fernando Pisani put the team on his back and they rode his Cinderella slippers, Smytty's mullet, and Chris Pronger's (*spit*) orbs all the way to the Cup Finals, where they finally ran out of gas in Game 7 after an untimely injury to Rollie the Goalie. The Flames went golfing.

I'm told by reliable sources that after that loss the Oilers had a few underwhelming seasons, but I can't say I really noticed. And anyway, that's all water under the bridge.

The point is, for the first time since 1991(!), the Battle of Alberta is going to happen on NHL playoff ice. This is glorious. And it means that this blog can finally live its best life instead of twiddling its thumbs talking about fancy stats and arena financing.


Sacamano's series prediction:  4-2 Oilers.  

Key to the game:  I'm sure the young kids will use their instaface and tock-tick accounts to make some sort meme, but I'm sticking with the resurrection of Stan Weir's mojo as my lucky talisman.



  1. Nice to be here. I was shocked my password still worked.

  2. This is great. As an old, I miss blogs, and this one more than most. Welcome back, even if it's just for a brief duration.

    Also, my learned friend from Calgary is correct re: the Oilers.

  3. I'd like to respectfully concur with my fine colleagues Kent W and robert cleave vis a vis the Oilers. Respectfully.

  4. Go Blake Coleman.

  5. Hell yeah! Do us Oilogosphere old-timers proud!

  6. Oh wow, Blogspot remembered everything. Even has my old birthday cat photo.

  7. I was late to the blog party but always admired from a distance. I’m a tickled that I get to witness this blog happen in real time. It goes without saying that flames are godless trolls and their fans have no teeth. They also flattened my bike tires as an 8 year old in Whitehorn after I wore an oilers jersey to school. My hate runs deep and true. Oil in 5.


  9. BOA is back.

    can't go back now!

  10. “Break out the fine china, chill the lemonade, tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree. Cos this boy’s coming home to his ladies. Coming home forever.”
    Mintas Ginter

  11. Welcome back!

    I can't decide if this makes my feel young again or very old

  12. Yessss!




  13. Welcome back! What are the odds on another goalie fight?

  14. Congrats to the Falmes on their 4th trip past the 1st round in 33 years. Pretty special. Six round wins in that time. "...and now for the other hand..."

  15. It's back!! Ahhhh the memories - glory and heartache.

  16. Somehow I had never noticed that this weblog was founded 14 years after the last actual playoff battle.

  17. Flashbacks to a much more innocent time when we were all way way younger.

    Hi Sacamano!!!!

  18. Ok, but no handlebar moustache!

  19. What about Matt?
    Has he any affection left for the loathsome Flames?

  20. Just want to say it's great to see so many old familiar names in the comments. But where is Reggie Jr.??

  21. The Battle of Alberta is back! Just in time for the Battle of Alberta.


  22. Don't we all, Pat. Don't we all.
