Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday Baseball Standings

**Would you say that the Toronto Maple Leafs are pretty close to being the best team in the league? No, not really? Me neither. I have nothing against the Maples per se, I just bring this up because they are 13 games behind the Canucks for best record in the NHL, and this 13 game spread is the same as the gulf between the Oilers and the Flames. So, naturally, the first random Oilers conversation I overheard after the Penner trade included the phrase, "Now we just need to get rid of Horcoff".
**Flames president Ken King is not perfect, and lord knows that the whole push for a new arena is headed to Calgary in short order, but I still like to think that he would die of shame before publishing a letter with an opening sentence like the one from Pat "Patrick" LaForge yesterday.
**Is someone going to stop Vancouver from winning the Stanley Cup? Please? This run the Flames have been on has been a lot of fun, but the stature of the Canucks is really casting a dark shadow over the season.
**"...Gordie Howe's professional career spanned 34 years, just 4 more than Hasek's to date." Wow.
**Go Flames. Watch out for Hanzal and Whitney.
That Laforge link is priceless. At this point I don't even think it is behavioral, dude is just a natural born smarm.
As the genome project progresses, I'm sure we'll discover that Pat has inherited the douchebag gene. Same for David Staples and the Sham-Wow guy.
I still like to think that he would die of shame before publishing a letter...
You are deluding yourself. Murray Edwards has no problem taking the taxpayer's money to build a wholly unnecessary bitumen upgrader, keeping the profits while socializing the losses.
Kind of like an arena deal, but 10 times more money at stake.
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That Laforge link is priceless. At this point I don't even think it is behavioral, dude is just a natural born smarm.
As the genome project progresses, I'm sure we'll discover that Pat has inherited the douchebag gene. Same for David Staples and the Sham-Wow guy.
I still like to think that he would die of shame before publishing a letter...
You are deluding yourself. Murray Edwards has no problem taking the taxpayer's money to build a wholly unnecessary bitumen upgrader, keeping the profits while socializing the losses.
Kind of like an arena deal, but 10 times more money at stake.
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