Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Some things never change
After jaunts in two Places that Suck*, Mrs. Sacamano, Little Miss Sacamano and I are back in the Town that the Ghermezian's Built -- permanently this time (we think). And it sure is nice to see that some things never change.
The Journal is still a little bit too close to the Onion for comfort. The front page of yesterday's At Home section featured a student who "wanted some elements of style -- a bare-bones-chic kinda thing" for his HUB-mall dorm room. So he "spent just under $500 outfitting his apartment" by buying some "neutral white wood" furniture at Ikea and putting "up travel and movie posters". A heartwarming story, indeed, and a welcome change from the usual HUB decor of brown Ikea furniture and Salvadore Dali posters.

It is also nice to see that the Eskimos are still kicking the Stamps' asses, just like they were when we left. I have heard rumours that there were some tough years in between, but I wasn't here, so they didn't happen. Don't forget, Part II goes tonight at 7:00.
It is a relief to see that the Oilers are still confident that glory is achievable through their unique mix of undersized speedy youth, antiquated grizzled vets, and fast ice (which will transform the games of all of the new players we acquired this year -- that means you, Mr. Cole). I couldn't agree more. Now I know that there are some around here who have come to the opposite conclusion -- usually based on some sort of mathemagical mumbo-jumbo -- but I urge Oilers fans to ignore this rot. My eyes and ears tell me that Oilers fans think that this is the year -- at least those Oilers fans who ride the the #8 bus between 4:30 and 5:00pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And what's good enough for the good people of the #8 is good enough for me.
Speaking of the ole proletariat chariot -- while riding home yesterday I'm pretty sure I didn't see the "And Now for the Other Hand" mural plastered between the classy Coliseum Inn and Fireside Restaurant Ltd. What gives? It looked like some sort of high speed internet ad, instead. Can anyone shed light on this? Has Molson given up on the Oilers ever getting another ring? Do we have to start boycotting Molson Canadian?!
Anyway, it looks like I'll be back around this place -- at least part-time. But never fear, Andy will be sticking around too -- at least part time.
* Actually, that isn't quite true. I really liked Sheffield. And Pat, MikeW, Tyler, et al. were all very nice to me in Toronto, but lipstick on a hogtown can't disguise the hog.
The Journal is still a little bit too close to the Onion for comfort. The front page of yesterday's At Home section featured a student who "wanted some elements of style -- a bare-bones-chic kinda thing" for his HUB-mall dorm room. So he "spent just under $500 outfitting his apartment" by buying some "neutral white wood" furniture at Ikea and putting "up travel and movie posters". A heartwarming story, indeed, and a welcome change from the usual HUB decor of brown Ikea furniture and Salvadore Dali posters.

It is a relief to see that the Oilers are still confident that glory is achievable through their unique mix of undersized speedy youth, antiquated grizzled vets, and fast ice (which will transform the games of all of the new players we acquired this year -- that means you, Mr. Cole). I couldn't agree more. Now I know that there are some around here who have come to the opposite conclusion -- usually based on some sort of mathemagical mumbo-jumbo -- but I urge Oilers fans to ignore this rot. My eyes and ears tell me that Oilers fans think that this is the year -- at least those Oilers fans who ride the the #8 bus between 4:30 and 5:00pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And what's good enough for the good people of the #8 is good enough for me.
Speaking of the ole proletariat chariot -- while riding home yesterday I'm pretty sure I didn't see the "And Now for the Other Hand" mural plastered between the classy Coliseum Inn and Fireside Restaurant Ltd. What gives? It looked like some sort of high speed internet ad, instead. Can anyone shed light on this? Has Molson given up on the Oilers ever getting another ring? Do we have to start boycotting Molson Canadian?!

* Actually, that isn't quite true. I really liked Sheffield. And Pat, MikeW, Tyler, et al. were all very nice to me in Toronto, but lipstick on a hogtown can't disguise the hog.
Thank goodness your back, please tell us you are replacing "Lukewarm Andy". I dont know if I could take another year of him representing the Mighty Oil on this site.
Real good to have you back.
Please stay.
Please ask Andy to un-un-retire.
Toronto Sucks is not an Arrogant Worms song; the Arrogant Worms are from Ontario and have no particular Edmonton connection, so I'm not sure why they'd designate it the only major city in Canada that doesn't suck. The song is by Edmonton's Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie, and may be the most misattributed song in the universe. I know that wasn't your mistake - you were just linking to the lyrics - but it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. Probably of the Trolls' too, you'd have to think.
Also, welcome.
Is it just me or is Reggie Sr. starting to sound a lot like Reggie Jr.?
Welcome back, Sac, both you and Andy do a great job on this site. Should be a fun year, dudes.
The rings have been gone since early last year. A shame really, it should have been like a heritage site or something....
Woo-hoo! Welcome back. Hope the internet connection isn't too rusty.
Bad news though, Dvorak's still gone so you'll have to update your predictions.
A heartwarming story, indeed, and a welcome change from the usual HUB decor of brown Ikea furniture and Salvadore Dali posters.
Yup, I knew I was all grown up when I opted for the black/brown or cherry furniture at Ikea, and started buying framed Dali prints (prints are much more sophisticated than posters).
I'm pretty sure I didn't see the "And Now for the Other Hand" mural plastered between the classy Coliseum Inn and Fireside Restaurant Ltd.
The absence of this mural still pisses me off. It. was. awesome.
I'm pretty sure I didn't see the "And Now for the Other Hand" mural plastered between the classy Coliseum Inn and Fireside Restaurant Ltd.
But we now have the huge Stanley cup
Regarding Wilf Brooks' wonderful new Edmonton landmark, the 12-foot high Stanley Cup replica on Gateway Boulevard outside the Brooks' family owned United Cycle.
Wilf's been working on the idea for years.
"In 2001, for the Worlds, we had the buffalo project. We had Joe the Canadian buffalo (statue) out there by the road. Joe had to go to pasture. We wanted to replace him with Stanley."
Somehow, the Oilers Pat LaForge persuaded the NHL to grant permission for the project, and Wilf went to work.
Wilf decided to wait until the celebration of Hockey Alberta's 100th anniversary, just this past week, before the cup was installed in its mini-park with Friday's official unveiling.
Among those in the hockey "honour guard" for the unveiling ceremony were former goalie great Glenn Hall, the dean of Western Canada hockey coaches Clare Drake, former Oiler captain Al Hamilton, past Hockey Alberta president Orest Korbutt, and Oiler GM Kevin Lowe."
Hey, now that sounds cool. For some reason I haven't been down that way yet. Might need a special trip.
Actually, the Dead Trolls have in their later veering-sharply-left days sort of disowned the song.
It all started with the live performance in Calgary that ended with "but Edmonton does..." methinks.
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Thank goodness your back, please tell us you are replacing "Lukewarm Andy". I dont know if I could take another year of him representing the Mighty Oil on this site.
Real good to have you back.
Please stay.
Please ask Andy to un-un-retire.
Toronto Sucks is not an Arrogant Worms song; the Arrogant Worms are from Ontario and have no particular Edmonton connection, so I'm not sure why they'd designate it the only major city in Canada that doesn't suck. The song is by Edmonton's Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie, and may be the most misattributed song in the universe. I know that wasn't your mistake - you were just linking to the lyrics - but it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. Probably of the Trolls' too, you'd have to think.
Also, welcome.
Is it just me or is Reggie Sr. starting to sound a lot like Reggie Jr.?
Welcome back, Sac, both you and Andy do a great job on this site. Should be a fun year, dudes.
The rings have been gone since early last year. A shame really, it should have been like a heritage site or something....
Woo-hoo! Welcome back. Hope the internet connection isn't too rusty.
Bad news though, Dvorak's still gone so you'll have to update your predictions.
A heartwarming story, indeed, and a welcome change from the usual HUB decor of brown Ikea furniture and Salvadore Dali posters.
Yup, I knew I was all grown up when I opted for the black/brown or cherry furniture at Ikea, and started buying framed Dali prints (prints are much more sophisticated than posters).
I'm pretty sure I didn't see the "And Now for the Other Hand" mural plastered between the classy Coliseum Inn and Fireside Restaurant Ltd.
The absence of this mural still pisses me off. It. was. awesome.
I'm pretty sure I didn't see the "And Now for the Other Hand" mural plastered between the classy Coliseum Inn and Fireside Restaurant Ltd.
But we now have the huge Stanley cup
Regarding Wilf Brooks' wonderful new Edmonton landmark, the 12-foot high Stanley Cup replica on Gateway Boulevard outside the Brooks' family owned United Cycle.
Wilf's been working on the idea for years.
"In 2001, for the Worlds, we had the buffalo project. We had Joe the Canadian buffalo (statue) out there by the road. Joe had to go to pasture. We wanted to replace him with Stanley."
Somehow, the Oilers Pat LaForge persuaded the NHL to grant permission for the project, and Wilf went to work.
Wilf decided to wait until the celebration of Hockey Alberta's 100th anniversary, just this past week, before the cup was installed in its mini-park with Friday's official unveiling.
Among those in the hockey "honour guard" for the unveiling ceremony were former goalie great Glenn Hall, the dean of Western Canada hockey coaches Clare Drake, former Oiler captain Al Hamilton, past Hockey Alberta president Orest Korbutt, and Oiler GM Kevin Lowe."
Hey, now that sounds cool. For some reason I haven't been down that way yet. Might need a special trip.
Actually, the Dead Trolls have in their later veering-sharply-left days sort of disowned the song.
It all started with the live performance in Calgary that ended with "but Edmonton does..." methinks.
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