Sunday, March 16, 2008
I See Overtime Winners

--Andy Grabia, March 16, 2008
I have been given the gift of prophecy.
What a game, by the way. I'm glad I came out of my cold-coma for that one. Now back to the Nyquil and the fevered dreams that San Pisani speaks to me in.
like i have said before. the best thing in hockey is a Sharks lost. Too bad they got the loser point. Thanks, Oil.
Staples credits you for the win in his blog today. I wonder if you are indeed the true Hockey Jesus.
Maybe more of a disciple, like those guys around the last supper table. Hmmm...I wonder which one Andy would be???
Anyways, Oilers Nation is posting that our chances of getting into the playoffs have risen to 10% or so. Something like 8 and 2 might get us in. Might be worth a countdown clock or something.
Anyways, Oilers Nation is posting that our chances of getting into the playoffs have risen to 10% or so.
Scoff. I'm sorry, but there is no way this team makes it into the playoffs.
All joking aside, you're probably right. But you know what? Just the fact that it's theoretically possible this late in the year is a victory in itself. Nobody would have predicted this at the beginning of the season.
Say what you want about MacT, but personally I'm starting to think he's a pretty fair coach.
Say what you want about MacT, but personally I'm starting to think he's a pretty fair coach.
Why? Because he's coached his team into a bunch of shootout victories?
Nobody would have predicted this at the beginning of the season.
I did, actually. Damned if I can find which post it was now (I've searched three blogs and the closest I've got is this from six games in), but I definitely called this. (I seem to recall likening it to last year's Avs.)
"Why? Because he's coached his team into a bunch of shootout victories?"
He's made the best of a much less than perfect situation. I think that says alot. There's a very astute poster around here by the name of Bruce that would be able to put it better than I ever could. But to answer your question in a word, yes. Sorry if that violates your original six canon, but the new rules are the same for everybody. Some coaches play them better than others. In this case, we have a coach who has been able to work his team far higher up the standings than they probably should be. However he's done it is fine by me.
Regardless, I'm enjoying this team far more than I (and most others) thought I would this year. Heck, the word "toilet" was tossed around here quite a bit in September, and things are far from that initial assessment.
Doogie, my hat's off to you!
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What a game, by the way. I'm glad I came out of my cold-coma for that one. Now back to the Nyquil and the fevered dreams that San Pisani speaks to me in.
like i have said before. the best thing in hockey is a Sharks lost. Too bad they got the loser point. Thanks, Oil.
Staples credits you for the win in his blog today. I wonder if you are indeed the true Hockey Jesus.
Maybe more of a disciple, like those guys around the last supper table. Hmmm...I wonder which one Andy would be???
Anyways, Oilers Nation is posting that our chances of getting into the playoffs have risen to 10% or so. Something like 8 and 2 might get us in. Might be worth a countdown clock or something.
Anyways, Oilers Nation is posting that our chances of getting into the playoffs have risen to 10% or so.
Scoff. I'm sorry, but there is no way this team makes it into the playoffs.
All joking aside, you're probably right. But you know what? Just the fact that it's theoretically possible this late in the year is a victory in itself. Nobody would have predicted this at the beginning of the season.
Say what you want about MacT, but personally I'm starting to think he's a pretty fair coach.
Say what you want about MacT, but personally I'm starting to think he's a pretty fair coach.
Why? Because he's coached his team into a bunch of shootout victories?
Nobody would have predicted this at the beginning of the season.
I did, actually. Damned if I can find which post it was now (I've searched three blogs and the closest I've got is this from six games in), but I definitely called this. (I seem to recall likening it to last year's Avs.)
"Why? Because he's coached his team into a bunch of shootout victories?"
He's made the best of a much less than perfect situation. I think that says alot. There's a very astute poster around here by the name of Bruce that would be able to put it better than I ever could. But to answer your question in a word, yes. Sorry if that violates your original six canon, but the new rules are the same for everybody. Some coaches play them better than others. In this case, we have a coach who has been able to work his team far higher up the standings than they probably should be. However he's done it is fine by me.
Regardless, I'm enjoying this team far more than I (and most others) thought I would this year. Heck, the word "toilet" was tossed around here quite a bit in September, and things are far from that initial assessment.
Doogie, my hat's off to you!
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