Thursday, September 13, 2007
Oilers' New Jerseys Leaked
***Update*** Images of official jerseys here.
They are only images from NHL 08, but it gives you an idea.

From HF Boards. Cleaner images are here. Covered In Oil have their take up, as well.
Shout outs to my boy Chris Cook for finding these for me.
***Update*** The images for all the teams uniforms are here.
They are only images from NHL 08, but it gives you an idea.

From HF Boards. Cleaner images are here. Covered In Oil have their take up, as well.
Shout outs to my boy Chris Cook for finding these for me.
***Update*** The images for all the teams uniforms are here.
What's with those arm-stripes looking solid in the front but disappearing in the back?
Is that some sort of tribute to the way 2006-2007 season went?
I hate them, but I've hated almost all of them. I like my jerseys big and billowy. Plus I don't like the arm-stripes or that slimming line down the front. A fat man like me can't buy that jersey, I'm telling you right now. Which basically eliminates half their demographic.
So Andy, remove you bias against the slim-fit, because that's happening with all the jerseys, and what do you think?
Chicks invariably look hot in hockey jerseys, although if there's a jersey ugly enough to wreck that rule, it's this one.
I don't like the change in design, if this is the complete product. It might not be. But it's not just the slimming aspect I dislike. I dislike the arm-stripes and the vertical striping. Plus, nothing on the shoulders.
Whats the deal with Reebok and piping? Did they buy it buy the boxcar load? take the stupid piping off, make the arm bands go all the way around and put something on the shoulders that acknowledge the 5 cups. (or put provincial flags on)
Mr Grabia makes a salient point. When a number of football teams on this side of the pond went to a slimmer fit, they found themselves having to hurriedly produce sizes up to 5XL for some of their huskier supporters. As for these yokes? They are pretty fugly, but I was expecting worse.
I don't think it's a half-stripe. It looks like there are elbow patches on there, a la your English 101 prof, which are interrupting the stripe. I hope those patches are corduroy.
I am enraged.
Years of tradition and integrity down the drain in one fell cash-grab swoop.
I will personally punch anyone who buys these jerseys.
I kinda like them. The orange stripes (pipes?) going down the front and around the neck, slimming though they may be, look sharp.
You can't have too much orange, people, and the Oil's lug-nut 3rd jersey had none at all.
"Years of tradition and integrity down the drain in one fell cash-grab swoop."
Come on, that's ridiculous.
So there aren't horizontal stripes on the bottom of the jersey anymore, and the rig pig is gone from the shoulders. Big deal. Other than that, it wasn't a very drastic change.
I thought Oilers tradition was about winning Stanley Cups, not about jersey striping.
Well, you try to hold onto whatever's left. Where will it all end? A Bronze Statue of Cal Nichols holding a fan up by the throat a la Darth Vader style to adorn the new Arena?
On second thought, maybe the fan should be bent over...
I kinda like them. The orange stripes (pipes?) going down the front and around the neck, slimming though they may be, look sharp.
Sacamano likes them? Nooo. Cal Nichols could poop on your head and you'd be happy, Sac. Your costant enthusiasm is a tonic for my bitter, tortured soul, my friend. :)
Years of tradition and integrity down the drain in one fell cash-grab swoop.
I really hope you're being sarcastic trapezoid.
Has anyone else noted that the Oilers jersey follows the same template as the Preds, or the Panthers, or the Capitals, or the Avalanche? Sure they have their own colors and "flair", but they all share the same shoulder color block with lots of piping, and anti-fat-guy vertical stripes.
Considering the hype and investment in the uniform system concept, I would have liked to have seen more original elements, and more teams resurrect vintage trim (like the Bruins did).
I can understand the cheapskate CFL buying one uniform style and coloring it for every team, but the NHL is supposed to be major league...and the league is supposed to have been developing this since before the lockout.
Come on, that's ridiculous.
Is this why people look at something like Life Brand products or President's Choice and go, "Hmmm, that's a cheap-ass looking product" and then pay accordingly even though it's often identical as the big brands? Don't tell me that packaging doesn't matter.
Also don't tell me that it's an over-reaction -- it's a completely legitimate reaction from a life-long Oilers fan who thinks his team is now playing in pajamas.
Sure it could use some stylish shoulder flagging, but I kind of like these -- and I don't like the Oilers, at all.
I was walking past the Flames Fan Attic this afternoon as boxes and boxes of beautiful new jerseys arrived and, trust me, they look way better in person than they do on your computer screen. So, save your negativity until then. You might find you like them, even if tweedy elbow patches are only half the affectation the provincial flag is.
Is Sarcastic Trapezoid a cartoon character? I'm missing the reference.
It's history's most prolific blogger's perjorative nickname for mike. I believe it relates to this thread.
douche or giant douche? he reports, you decide
Whoever said "redesign for the sake of redesign" in the Covered thread got it right.
And yet: ORANGE!
Has there been any word from the team on this? Anyone seen anything? My guess is this is what we'll get from Pat Laforge:
1) There is no leak. It's only the video game pictures. Fans should wait and see, and order like crazy in the meantime. Maybe even donate yours to the soldiers so that the NHL can do their part in helping them.
2) It's a shame that some of those internet blog people had to ruin the surprise for everyone. Think of the kids who have been devastated by this leak (officially known as the "JK Rowling Guilt Trip").
A fat man like me can't buy that jersey, I'm telling you right now.
Fans should wait and see, and order like crazy in the meantime.
Hmmm...jersey no good for fat guys + pre-ordering = a lot of really uncomfortable-looking dudes wandering around downtown next week.
Random piping and pointless colour blocking on the sleeves? Was this actually a conscientious decision?
Random piping? What's random about it?
And elbow patches? I love elbow patches. I'm always wearing out the elbows on my t-shirts.
Grabia -- I'll keep giving you tonic, if you supply the gin.
For the life of me, I can't see any good reason for this league wide change.
And while that jersey would probably look good on the ladies such as loxy, I don't think that many guys could say the same...ugh.
Nothing like watching two teams go at it in jogging shirts/pajamas.
And while that jersey would probably look good on the ladies such as loxy, I don't think that many guys could say the same...ugh.
I'm sure that lots of guys think that they'd look good on a lady such as Loxy.
The more I see this type of thing the more I realize that the most logical thing to do when it comes to a redesign/rebranding is let the fans vote on it. Give them 5 options and get some feedback. This would have spared the world the Islanders fiasco of the 90's and for the love of god the German stripe factory exploding that is the Flames this year.
Would I be wrong in assuming that the most logical thing to do, in the case of the Oilers, would have been to go back to the cup winning jerseys? That is the team's identity. The future isn't progress without a past.
After reviewing all of the others, I retract my previous thumbs-up.
We could have had way more orange -- the shoulder/arm strip like the Panthers, the arm pits like several teams. The freaking Islanders have more orange than the oil. Unacceptable.
The Islander's unis got crapped on when thy came out. They're looking pretty good now. And sac, I think having the horizontal half stripes meet a vertical arm stirpe a la Florida would have been hideous. Really the only thing missing from these Oil unis is some striping on the bottom of the torso. Add that and we're golden.
Is it just me, or does it look like the home jersey glows in teh dark?
Way too little colour on the away jersey, it looks more like a practice jersey than a game jersey. Actually, the same could be said for the blue jersey....
They are starting to look more like the Islanders all the time...
Maybe its a sign of something? (80's dominance, followed by a lot of sucking, with the exception of a blip or two)...
I really don't loathe these jerseys, guys.
For instance, I agree with the assessment that it's probably not 'half-stripes' so much as 'stripes with a blank space where, for instance, the number would go'. A nice copper-and-white '83' on the home jersey in that spot would look quite sharp in my book. We'll see at the Joey Moss Cup, I guess.
The piping is the greatest offense against decency to me, since I hate piping in all its insidious, loathsome forms. 'Piping' is derived from the French for 'oh, shit, it's five minutes before the deadline and we have to put something on this'.
Maybe they can sign up the guy modeling the jersies, he should be able to make right winger on the third or fourth line on this club.
And here I expected 200-300 comments by now, seeing how you were given the credit for scooping the jersey designs in the Journal this morning.
And here I expected 200-300 comments by now, seeing how you were given the credit for scooping the jersey designs in the Journal this morning.
And here I expected 200-300 comments by now, seeing how you were given the credit for scooping the jersey designs in the Journal this morning.
Pssh. Just another example of the mainstream media disrespecting the Oilogosphere.
(oh, wait, they gave BoA more credit than it perhaps deserved? Er... I'll get back to you.)
It says:
"Psst. Wanna buy a new jersey? Reebok has leaked the look of the new Oilers uniform--which is slated to be unveiled Sunday--to EA Sports for NHL '08. The uniforms have already found their way onto websites like"
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What's with those arm-stripes looking solid in the front but disappearing in the back?
Is that some sort of tribute to the way 2006-2007 season went?
I hate them, but I've hated almost all of them. I like my jerseys big and billowy. Plus I don't like the arm-stripes or that slimming line down the front. A fat man like me can't buy that jersey, I'm telling you right now. Which basically eliminates half their demographic.
So Andy, remove you bias against the slim-fit, because that's happening with all the jerseys, and what do you think?
Chicks invariably look hot in hockey jerseys, although if there's a jersey ugly enough to wreck that rule, it's this one.
I don't like the change in design, if this is the complete product. It might not be. But it's not just the slimming aspect I dislike. I dislike the arm-stripes and the vertical striping. Plus, nothing on the shoulders.
Whats the deal with Reebok and piping? Did they buy it buy the boxcar load? take the stupid piping off, make the arm bands go all the way around and put something on the shoulders that acknowledge the 5 cups. (or put provincial flags on)
Mr Grabia makes a salient point. When a number of football teams on this side of the pond went to a slimmer fit, they found themselves having to hurriedly produce sizes up to 5XL for some of their huskier supporters. As for these yokes? They are pretty fugly, but I was expecting worse.
I don't think it's a half-stripe. It looks like there are elbow patches on there, a la your English 101 prof, which are interrupting the stripe. I hope those patches are corduroy.
I am enraged.
Years of tradition and integrity down the drain in one fell cash-grab swoop.
I will personally punch anyone who buys these jerseys.
I kinda like them. The orange stripes (pipes?) going down the front and around the neck, slimming though they may be, look sharp.
You can't have too much orange, people, and the Oil's lug-nut 3rd jersey had none at all.
"Years of tradition and integrity down the drain in one fell cash-grab swoop."
Come on, that's ridiculous.
So there aren't horizontal stripes on the bottom of the jersey anymore, and the rig pig is gone from the shoulders. Big deal. Other than that, it wasn't a very drastic change.
I thought Oilers tradition was about winning Stanley Cups, not about jersey striping.
Well, you try to hold onto whatever's left. Where will it all end? A Bronze Statue of Cal Nichols holding a fan up by the throat a la Darth Vader style to adorn the new Arena?
On second thought, maybe the fan should be bent over...
I kinda like them. The orange stripes (pipes?) going down the front and around the neck, slimming though they may be, look sharp.
Sacamano likes them? Nooo. Cal Nichols could poop on your head and you'd be happy, Sac. Your costant enthusiasm is a tonic for my bitter, tortured soul, my friend. :)
Years of tradition and integrity down the drain in one fell cash-grab swoop.
I really hope you're being sarcastic trapezoid.
Has anyone else noted that the Oilers jersey follows the same template as the Preds, or the Panthers, or the Capitals, or the Avalanche? Sure they have their own colors and "flair", but they all share the same shoulder color block with lots of piping, and anti-fat-guy vertical stripes.
Considering the hype and investment in the uniform system concept, I would have liked to have seen more original elements, and more teams resurrect vintage trim (like the Bruins did).
I can understand the cheapskate CFL buying one uniform style and coloring it for every team, but the NHL is supposed to be major league...and the league is supposed to have been developing this since before the lockout.
Come on, that's ridiculous.
Is this why people look at something like Life Brand products or President's Choice and go, "Hmmm, that's a cheap-ass looking product" and then pay accordingly even though it's often identical as the big brands? Don't tell me that packaging doesn't matter.
Also don't tell me that it's an over-reaction -- it's a completely legitimate reaction from a life-long Oilers fan who thinks his team is now playing in pajamas.
Sure it could use some stylish shoulder flagging, but I kind of like these -- and I don't like the Oilers, at all.
I was walking past the Flames Fan Attic this afternoon as boxes and boxes of beautiful new jerseys arrived and, trust me, they look way better in person than they do on your computer screen. So, save your negativity until then. You might find you like them, even if tweedy elbow patches are only half the affectation the provincial flag is.
Is Sarcastic Trapezoid a cartoon character? I'm missing the reference.
It's history's most prolific blogger's perjorative nickname for mike. I believe it relates to this thread.
douche or giant douche? he reports, you decide
Whoever said "redesign for the sake of redesign" in the Covered thread got it right.
And yet: ORANGE!
Has there been any word from the team on this? Anyone seen anything? My guess is this is what we'll get from Pat Laforge:
1) There is no leak. It's only the video game pictures. Fans should wait and see, and order like crazy in the meantime. Maybe even donate yours to the soldiers so that the NHL can do their part in helping them.
2) It's a shame that some of those internet blog people had to ruin the surprise for everyone. Think of the kids who have been devastated by this leak (officially known as the "JK Rowling Guilt Trip").
A fat man like me can't buy that jersey, I'm telling you right now.
Fans should wait and see, and order like crazy in the meantime.
Hmmm...jersey no good for fat guys + pre-ordering = a lot of really uncomfortable-looking dudes wandering around downtown next week.
Random piping and pointless colour blocking on the sleeves? Was this actually a conscientious decision?
Random piping? What's random about it?
And elbow patches? I love elbow patches. I'm always wearing out the elbows on my t-shirts.
Grabia -- I'll keep giving you tonic, if you supply the gin.
For the life of me, I can't see any good reason for this league wide change.
And while that jersey would probably look good on the ladies such as loxy, I don't think that many guys could say the same...ugh.
Nothing like watching two teams go at it in jogging shirts/pajamas.
And while that jersey would probably look good on the ladies such as loxy, I don't think that many guys could say the same...ugh.
I'm sure that lots of guys think that they'd look good on a lady such as Loxy.
The more I see this type of thing the more I realize that the most logical thing to do when it comes to a redesign/rebranding is let the fans vote on it. Give them 5 options and get some feedback. This would have spared the world the Islanders fiasco of the 90's and for the love of god the German stripe factory exploding that is the Flames this year.
Would I be wrong in assuming that the most logical thing to do, in the case of the Oilers, would have been to go back to the cup winning jerseys? That is the team's identity. The future isn't progress without a past.
After reviewing all of the others, I retract my previous thumbs-up.
We could have had way more orange -- the shoulder/arm strip like the Panthers, the arm pits like several teams. The freaking Islanders have more orange than the oil. Unacceptable.
The Islander's unis got crapped on when thy came out. They're looking pretty good now. And sac, I think having the horizontal half stripes meet a vertical arm stirpe a la Florida would have been hideous. Really the only thing missing from these Oil unis is some striping on the bottom of the torso. Add that and we're golden.
Is it just me, or does it look like the home jersey glows in teh dark?
Way too little colour on the away jersey, it looks more like a practice jersey than a game jersey. Actually, the same could be said for the blue jersey....
They are starting to look more like the Islanders all the time...
Maybe its a sign of something? (80's dominance, followed by a lot of sucking, with the exception of a blip or two)...
I really don't loathe these jerseys, guys.
For instance, I agree with the assessment that it's probably not 'half-stripes' so much as 'stripes with a blank space where, for instance, the number would go'. A nice copper-and-white '83' on the home jersey in that spot would look quite sharp in my book. We'll see at the Joey Moss Cup, I guess.
The piping is the greatest offense against decency to me, since I hate piping in all its insidious, loathsome forms. 'Piping' is derived from the French for 'oh, shit, it's five minutes before the deadline and we have to put something on this'.
Maybe they can sign up the guy modeling the jersies, he should be able to make right winger on the third or fourth line on this club.
And here I expected 200-300 comments by now, seeing how you were given the credit for scooping the jersey designs in the Journal this morning.
And here I expected 200-300 comments by now, seeing how you were given the credit for scooping the jersey designs in the Journal this morning.
And here I expected 200-300 comments by now, seeing how you were given the credit for scooping the jersey designs in the Journal this morning.
Pssh. Just another example of the mainstream media disrespecting the Oilogosphere.
(oh, wait, they gave BoA more credit than it perhaps deserved? Er... I'll get back to you.)
It says:
"Psst. Wanna buy a new jersey? Reebok has leaked the look of the new Oilers uniform--which is slated to be unveiled Sunday--to EA Sports for NHL '08. The uniforms have already found their way onto websites like"
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