Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Oil Country Invades Nation's Capital
Andy's note: This was written by Janet Lo, fine Oiler fan going to school in Ottawa. Kudos to her, Meena and Jason for planning the event, and well as the other Oil faithful who attended last night's game against the Sens.
EFFFFFFFFF. There are no words to describe how heartbroken and mad I am right now.
The Good
• We pissed off a fair number of Sens fans. It was great to hear our boos for Mike Comrie echoed throughout Scotiabank. And even better to see some Sens fans glaring at us and coming back with some "COMRIE ROCKS" signs after the second intermission.
• Booing Mike Comrie. I swear on the Oilers that we rattled him. There were times he'd get the puck, we'd immediately start booing and he'd cough it up or skate it out of the Oiler zone without even realizing that he crossed the blue line. Unfortunately... see "the ugly"...
• I'd guess that there was a 2:1 Sens to Oilers jersey ratio at Scotiabank tonight. Really pleasantly surprised with the number of Oiler fans there. Ran into an Oiler fan from Newfoundland who was attending his first ever Oiler game. Hope he had a good time.
• Reconnecting with old friends. Shout out to Hector and Cusie.
• Meeting new people with a shared love for the Oilers.
• 120 of us. In one section. Seriously too cool. Shout out to Meena and Jason, my co-conspirers in this massive operation that we started in October. Way to show Ottawa how *real fans* cheer for their teams. It was great how our "Let's go Oilers" chant rivalled head to head against the "Go Sens Go" cheer. We rock.
The Bad
• Sens fans suck. When we cheer "LET'S GO OILERS!" the best you can come up with is "Oilers suck"? LAME.
• Also, who leaves a game when there's 10 minutes to go in the third period and you're up 3-1? I think my section summed it up best with our chant: "PART-TIME FANS!"
• Hemsky. Great moves... too many moves. Not enough finish. GHAHHHH. Best quote of the night: "I am going to DESTROY Hemsky!!!!" (Sabina)
The Ugly
• Being screwed over by Comrie. Anyone else and I would have been semi-OK with it (aka wouldn't have cried).

Beware: Oil Country

The Crew Getting Primed

Sweet Logo

This Oiler Fan's Sign Read "Edmonton: The Nation's Capital City"

Helping The Boys Out

Is That Daniel Negreanu Behind That Lovely Lady?

Dear Kevin Lowe...

The Edmonton Rally Cap Equivalent: The Upside Down Hockey Sign Trick

Yes! It Works! 3-3. Tie Game!

The Mike Comrie Face (Literally & Metaphorically)
EFFFFFFFFF. There are no words to describe how heartbroken and mad I am right now.
The Good
• We pissed off a fair number of Sens fans. It was great to hear our boos for Mike Comrie echoed throughout Scotiabank. And even better to see some Sens fans glaring at us and coming back with some "COMRIE ROCKS" signs after the second intermission.
• Booing Mike Comrie. I swear on the Oilers that we rattled him. There were times he'd get the puck, we'd immediately start booing and he'd cough it up or skate it out of the Oiler zone without even realizing that he crossed the blue line. Unfortunately... see "the ugly"...
• I'd guess that there was a 2:1 Sens to Oilers jersey ratio at Scotiabank tonight. Really pleasantly surprised with the number of Oiler fans there. Ran into an Oiler fan from Newfoundland who was attending his first ever Oiler game. Hope he had a good time.
• Reconnecting with old friends. Shout out to Hector and Cusie.
• Meeting new people with a shared love for the Oilers.
• 120 of us. In one section. Seriously too cool. Shout out to Meena and Jason, my co-conspirers in this massive operation that we started in October. Way to show Ottawa how *real fans* cheer for their teams. It was great how our "Let's go Oilers" chant rivalled head to head against the "Go Sens Go" cheer. We rock.
The Bad
• Sens fans suck. When we cheer "LET'S GO OILERS!" the best you can come up with is "Oilers suck"? LAME.
• Also, who leaves a game when there's 10 minutes to go in the third period and you're up 3-1? I think my section summed it up best with our chant: "PART-TIME FANS!"
• Hemsky. Great moves... too many moves. Not enough finish. GHAHHHH. Best quote of the night: "I am going to DESTROY Hemsky!!!!" (Sabina)
The Ugly
• Being screwed over by Comrie. Anyone else and I would have been semi-OK with it (aka wouldn't have cried).

Way to show Ottawa how *real fans* cheer for their teams.
Anything that reminds Senator fans of their douchebagginess is OK by me -- even if it is pro-oilers. Or should I say "proilers"
Check out the comments in this post at the Battle of Ontario. The fawning over Comrie, and trash-talking of Oilers fans in attendance, is quite insightful. By the time our team was 15 years old, we had won 5 Stanley Cups. The Sens 15 year history? Bankrupt, Lalime, and Choke.
I was very impressed with the booing by the Oiler fans.
They got so fed up with Alfie being booed in their own building that they took to trying to boo Mats. Of course it was a pale imitation of the original.
Too bad that bastard had to score the winner.
from one displaced fan to those in ontario, good work! i love the oil pride.
i read the comments on BOO (haha) and had to reply. oh how i love the east.
this is random.
"I can't wait til he disappears in the playoffs."
At least he'll be there this year. Oooooooo, I can make clever retorts!
Good luck in your playoff drive, seriously. I love seeing your home crowds... they are the envy of the league.
Why do you guys hate Sens fans so much anyways? Our teams play each other once a year now, and we won't meet again until 08-09. The Sens give Oiler fans in Ottawa a venue to watch your team once in awhile. The least you could do is not throw garbage at me when I cheer at Comrie for winning the shootout!
Thanks for playing over at the BoO Oiler fans.....;)
I'll never understand why people spend so much effort booing former players (and yes Sens fans boo Yashin and Chara). I much prefer to spend that effort sending "wipe that POS out" vibes to the boys. ;)
The least you could do is not throw garbage at me when I cheer at Comrie for winning the shootout!
I really hope that didn't happen. If so, I apologize, even though I wasn't there and had nothing to do with it. Playful jests is one thing; throwing stuff at people crosses the line.
I really hope that didn't happen. If so, I apologize, even though I wasn't there and had nothing to do with it. Playful jests is one thing; throwing stuff at people crosses the line.
I should qualify all that by saying that if "indrew" is the avatar for Mike Comrie, I take it all bck.
So let me get this straight - Sens fans were pushed around by Oilers fans - in their own building? So Oilers fans threw garbage at you and you didn't kick their ass??? You obviously need to go to move Eskimo games.
I mean, I can see Oilers fans being pushed around and Sens fans apologizing...but the opposite? There's no reason to apologize for that Andy. If they're going to let that happen, they deserve it.
Those sens fans probably heard about the Edmonton Handshake and were too afraid to do anything.
True, the Ottawa Handshake is much easier to take. Variations I could initially think of:
1) The "Again Eliminated By The Leafs" Handshake;
2) The "Donation From The Liberal Party of Canada" Handshake;
3) The "You're The Goalie That's Going To Win Us The Cup" handshake.
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Way to show Ottawa how *real fans* cheer for their teams.
Anything that reminds Senator fans of their douchebagginess is OK by me -- even if it is pro-oilers. Or should I say "proilers"
Check out the comments in this post at the Battle of Ontario. The fawning over Comrie, and trash-talking of Oilers fans in attendance, is quite insightful. By the time our team was 15 years old, we had won 5 Stanley Cups. The Sens 15 year history? Bankrupt, Lalime, and Choke.
I was very impressed with the booing by the Oiler fans.
They got so fed up with Alfie being booed in their own building that they took to trying to boo Mats. Of course it was a pale imitation of the original.
Too bad that bastard had to score the winner.
from one displaced fan to those in ontario, good work! i love the oil pride.
i read the comments on BOO (haha) and had to reply. oh how i love the east.
this is random.
"I can't wait til he disappears in the playoffs."
At least he'll be there this year. Oooooooo, I can make clever retorts!
Good luck in your playoff drive, seriously. I love seeing your home crowds... they are the envy of the league.
Why do you guys hate Sens fans so much anyways? Our teams play each other once a year now, and we won't meet again until 08-09. The Sens give Oiler fans in Ottawa a venue to watch your team once in awhile. The least you could do is not throw garbage at me when I cheer at Comrie for winning the shootout!
Thanks for playing over at the BoO Oiler fans.....;)
I'll never understand why people spend so much effort booing former players (and yes Sens fans boo Yashin and Chara). I much prefer to spend that effort sending "wipe that POS out" vibes to the boys. ;)
The least you could do is not throw garbage at me when I cheer at Comrie for winning the shootout!
I really hope that didn't happen. If so, I apologize, even though I wasn't there and had nothing to do with it. Playful jests is one thing; throwing stuff at people crosses the line.
I really hope that didn't happen. If so, I apologize, even though I wasn't there and had nothing to do with it. Playful jests is one thing; throwing stuff at people crosses the line.
I should qualify all that by saying that if "indrew" is the avatar for Mike Comrie, I take it all bck.
So let me get this straight - Sens fans were pushed around by Oilers fans - in their own building? So Oilers fans threw garbage at you and you didn't kick their ass??? You obviously need to go to move Eskimo games.
I mean, I can see Oilers fans being pushed around and Sens fans apologizing...but the opposite? There's no reason to apologize for that Andy. If they're going to let that happen, they deserve it.
Those sens fans probably heard about the Edmonton Handshake and were too afraid to do anything.
True, the Ottawa Handshake is much easier to take. Variations I could initially think of:
1) The "Again Eliminated By The Leafs" Handshake;
2) The "Donation From The Liberal Party of Canada" Handshake;
3) The "You're The Goalie That's Going To Win Us The Cup" handshake.
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