Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Delicious, sir, can I have another?
"Laddie (defenceman Smid, the other kid in the trade) has overachieved and Lupes has been a little back of expectations. But it's Joffrey's second full year in the league." -- Kevin Lowe, as told by Jim Matheson
Well, I guess I'm never again going to have to hear from Oil Fan about how the Calgary fans and media kiss Darryl Sutter's butt and call it ice cream.
Set aside the Smid part, and the fact that apparently when Lowe made the Pronger trade, he was expecting even less immediate help on D than he got. Here are Joffrey Lupul's numbers from what apparently was not his first full year in the league:

He averaged 13:36 of ice time per game, so he wasn't exactly in the Mikhnov role; that's only 2:26/Gm less than he's playing this season. In fact, that's a pretty nice season for a 20-year-old rookie.
Kevin Lowe's motivations are pretty obvious, and I think we all know the Hall-of-Famer is willing to carry his water on occasion, but that is stretching the bounds of reasonable spin far too far. Actually that's too nice -- it's just utter bullshit.
But! Surely no one will remember any of this if Lupul can just overachieve like Smid in the 2nd half.
Well, I guess I'm never again going to have to hear from Oil Fan about how the Calgary fans and media kiss Darryl Sutter's butt and call it ice cream.
And yet on Saturday you wrote this:
"Next time I read a snarky comment in the Oilogosphere about how some pliant member of the local media is setting the table for K-Lo, I think I'm going to barf."
Delicious, sir, can I have another?
I think everyone around here will agree that the mainstream media covering the Oil are in a current state of crisis, but I don't think Oil fans can be accused of kissing K-Lo's butt. Not around the Oilogosphere, anyway.
That's fair enough. There is certainly no one in this part of the web that's as big an apologist for Lowe as Matheson is.
Funny & related: heard Jason Gregor from the Team late last week. He was trying to defend Lupul from some of the criticism (why? probably just to be contrary), and I swear to God he used the words, "He hasn't been that atrocious."
Hey, what can you say? Matt's been a little slow the past few days. Just check the Flames' current record on the front page of BOA. ;) That NSH loss is taking forever to get up there.
I too have been confused about Lowe and MacTavish calling Lupul a 2nd year player.
Do you think he'll match that 1st year point total this season?
Laddy's been a solid addition. Now it's time to retire the pylon wearing #21.
For the last ten minutes of tonight's game, Smith sat in the penalty box and no goals were scored. Coincidence? I think not.
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Well, I guess I'm never again going to have to hear from Oil Fan about how the Calgary fans and media kiss Darryl Sutter's butt and call it ice cream.
And yet on Saturday you wrote this:
"Next time I read a snarky comment in the Oilogosphere about how some pliant member of the local media is setting the table for K-Lo, I think I'm going to barf."
Delicious, sir, can I have another?
I think everyone around here will agree that the mainstream media covering the Oil are in a current state of crisis, but I don't think Oil fans can be accused of kissing K-Lo's butt. Not around the Oilogosphere, anyway.
That's fair enough. There is certainly no one in this part of the web that's as big an apologist for Lowe as Matheson is.
Funny & related: heard Jason Gregor from the Team late last week. He was trying to defend Lupul from some of the criticism (why? probably just to be contrary), and I swear to God he used the words, "He hasn't been that atrocious."
Hey, what can you say? Matt's been a little slow the past few days. Just check the Flames' current record on the front page of BOA. ;) That NSH loss is taking forever to get up there.
I too have been confused about Lowe and MacTavish calling Lupul a 2nd year player.
Do you think he'll match that 1st year point total this season?
Laddy's been a solid addition. Now it's time to retire the pylon wearing #21.
For the last ten minutes of tonight's game, Smith sat in the penalty box and no goals were scored. Coincidence? I think not.
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