Friday, March 31, 2006
Flames Game Day
Ah, winning cures all ills: Exhibit A, B, and C. Unfortunately, I can't get right into the Battle Smack yet as I have this thing to do, that being watch the Flames extend their Northwest Division lead tonight by slapping around the Avalanche (730PM, RSN West).
This is the 7th meeting between these teams this season; with the exception of a 3-2 Flames SO win back in November, the home team has really dominated. I expect that trend to continue tonight; it'll be Operation Shutdown for the Flames (and I don't mean that in the Derek Bell sense).
3-1. Iginla, Phaneuf, andDvorakLombardi with the goals. Go Flames.
UPDATE, moments later: I almost forgot the pic. For karma.

This is the 7th meeting between these teams this season; with the exception of a 3-2 Flames SO win back in November, the home team has really dominated. I expect that trend to continue tonight; it'll be Operation Shutdown for the Flames (and I don't mean that in the Derek Bell sense).
3-1. Iginla, Phaneuf, and
UPDATE, moments later: I almost forgot the pic. For karma.

>The one man team was all over the Avs tonight.
jhuck, you sour little man.
Your team of single digit scorers will perish in the playoffs: just ask the Globe and Mail.
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>The one man team was all over the Avs tonight.
jhuck, you sour little man.
Your team of single digit scorers will perish in the playoffs: just ask the Globe and Mail.
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