Monday, November 21, 2005
Oh yeah: Flames Game Day!

The Flames take on the Avalanche in Denver tonight; if they win, they'll have a winning record against all four other Northwest Division teams (2-1 v. MIN, 2-1 v. COL, 2-0 v. VAN, 2-0 v. Nostalgiaville).
Radio says Shean Donovan is a healthy scratch tonight, along with Wiemer (and Montador). This means Macdonald, Ritchie, and Simon are all in.
And since the Hardy Astrom whammy worked so well last time, I'm going with it again. Puck drop at 7 (Flames PPV, FSRM). Go Flames.
I want it on record that Fenwick is trying to jinx the hell out of my Hardy Astrom gag/prediction/old-fart-reference through overuse.
Good game by the Flames last night especially Sauve coming back and beating his former club in their barn.
专业的翻译公司,译佰深圳翻译公司,广州翻译公司,上海翻译公司,东莞翻译公司国内同声翻译(广州同声传译)领域领头军!同声传译(同传)是国际会议通常使用的翻译方式, 翻译人员进入隔音间里,通过耳机接听发言人的声音再将其翻译给听众。这种形式的翻译方式需要较为复杂的设备以及非常专业的翻译人员,但能节省大量的时间。优质翻译公司译佰翻译公司能提供同传深圳英语翻译 ,深圳日语翻译,深圳法语翻译,深圳德语翻译,深圳俄语翻译,深圳韩语翻译等数种同传语言,培养一批商务口译人员,多年以来,译佰同声翻译在同声传译(同传)领域积累了丰富的业务经验,能提供从专业同声翻译、译员培训到同传设备安装租售业务等一整套国际会议同传服务,深圳翻译。
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I want it on record that Fenwick is trying to jinx the hell out of my Hardy Astrom gag/prediction/old-fart-reference through overuse.
Good game by the Flames last night especially Sauve coming back and beating his former club in their barn.
专业的翻译公司,译佰深圳翻译公司,广州翻译公司,上海翻译公司,东莞翻译公司国内同声翻译(广州同声传译)领域领头军!同声传译(同传)是国际会议通常使用的翻译方式, 翻译人员进入隔音间里,通过耳机接听发言人的声音再将其翻译给听众。这种形式的翻译方式需要较为复杂的设备以及非常专业的翻译人员,但能节省大量的时间。优质翻译公司译佰翻译公司能提供同传深圳英语翻译 ,深圳日语翻译,深圳法语翻译,深圳德语翻译,深圳俄语翻译,深圳韩语翻译等数种同传语言,培养一批商务口译人员,多年以来,译佰同声翻译在同声传译(同传)领域积累了丰富的业务经验,能提供从专业同声翻译、译员培训到同传设备安装租售业务等一整套国际会议同传服务,深圳翻译。
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