Saturday, November 24, 2007


Oilers versus Hawks, Grabia versus McLean

Okay, the plan is to head to Brewsters downtown for the evening. Pat and I will get there after the game. So probably 10:30-11:00. Thanks to those who came out last night (Allan, Mr. Debakey, Colby). It was a great time. Something something something, hockey game, something something something. GOILERS!


4-3 Oil in the SO (since that's how we roll). Say...Penner, Gilbert Gilbert, HORC! with the game-tying and game-winning goals. Toews, Toews, and Sharp with the shortie for the baby 'Hawks.

We all better be getting more details on the shennanigans than that . . .

We all better be getting more details on the shennanigans than that . . .

I can barely move today. Let's start with that.


I don't think so

I'm happy to advise that the report I prepared for Mrs McLean this morning
[for a nominal cost]
gave the Big Dog a clean bill of behavioral health.

Go Phoenix.

Somewhere on Whyte Avenue, Andy is watching the whole pre-game ceremony and booing lustily while everybody else looks at him weirdly.

My next prediction: in about five minutes, Grabia is going to yell drunkenly about a taxpayer-financed arena and throw Pat at a guy who looks vaguely like Cal Nichols.

Even Phoenix can cruise to an easy win once in awhile. How about YOU GODDAMN OIELRS!>!!?

Oh I forgot. This is the game where the Oilers asked fans to give away their tickets to soldiers without losing a dime themselves.

What was with Stortini's fightin skills. He reminded me of an old Flames/Canucks d-man by the name of Dana Murzyn. He hung on for dear life and looked intimidated from the start. If hes the Oil heavy-weight, things are even bleaker than it looks from out here...

This is the game where the Oilers asked fans to give away their tickets to soldiers without losing a dime themselves.

That's what I call taking the cash and taking the credit.

Holy frickin' crap! Give Grebeshkov a gold star for that heads-up play!

Also, feel free to insert jokes about Hemsky probably trying to pass on that open net. I won't mind.

I've got a C note on all of them ending up in Vegas under a '74 Nova.

There's been absolutely no mention of the fact that it was the fans that made the sacrifice rather than the oilers, other than a mention by that CF Commander in the second.


Wooo!!! Fek! Wooo!!! Fek! Woooo!!!

BTW, loved Horcoff on HNIC tonight. The de facto captain of the Oilers.

And I trust that Andy showed Pat a good time?

This was a good game. I'm a fan of the shootout. I finished playing the year that they implemented the shootout. They are exciting.

Mike, I was thinking the exact same thing about Horc. He handled the whole situation very well.

BTW, it seems like we're thinking along the same lines when it comes to the tickets. I was personally shocked that the Oilers didn't ask the fans to give up their tickets during a PPV game, thus driving up their buy rates.

I'm not even joking about that.

AG and Pat, I'm looking forward to your reports:)

"BTW, it seems like we're thinking along the same lines when it comes to the tickets. I was personally shocked that the Oilers didn't ask the fans to give up their tickets during a PPV game, thus driving up their buy rates."

Dennis, we know that there's nobody on the Oil payroll intelligent enough to figure that out. I mean,if such an idea were even on their radar, it would have been a done deal. Now let's delete these posts before someone from the organization stumbles across your brilliant money-making strategy.

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