Saturday, November 19, 2005


Hawks win! Hawks win!

Hey, full credit to the Blackhawks for their two fairly convincing wins in Alberta. But I don't think I'm being snippy to say that, if they expect to be a playoff team, they have to stop cheating so damn much.

I thought the reffing as a whole tonight was probably the worst I've seen all year, but the facts remain:
The three most penalized teams in the league for the past 3 seasons are:
The thing that 7 of these 9 teams have in common is their non-playoffness. Full marks to Chicago for their PK--seriously, it's terrific--but this can't continue.

Also, an FYI for those of you like Sacamano who attended in person: the TV highlight of the game was shortly after the video review gave Stoll the goal to make it 4-2. Trent Yawney was being captured in full closeup (no sound) on HNIC, and (of course) chose that exact moment to yell, "What the F**k is going on!"

In Greg Millen's finest moment of the year, he didn't skip a beat, and chimed in with, "Well I'll tell you what's going on, Coach, the puck went over the red line, ..."

Time for both teams to win a couple of games. I think Friday's BofA Pt.3 will be more fun if the Flames and Oil are both on a roll.


Chicago has nothing to worry about so long as teams fail to capitalize. Oil fan should be embarrrased. 11 power plays including a major? The oilers gave that one away.

Indeed we should be embarrassed. However:

Calgary PP: 16%
Edmonton PP: 18.4%

You know, they did go 2/11 on the PP, and one of the PP's was only about 20 seconds long. That works out to 20% roughly, which isn't all that bad.

And, the 5 minute PP was only three minutes as an Oilers penalty negated the last two minutes of it.

As an aside, I'd love to see the NHL measure PP's by goals scored per hour of PP, that way you don't get screwed by a "power play" that lasts 15 seconds and counts against your total.

On a completely unrelated note:


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